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I've been running for what feels like forever. My eyes burn from the amount of crying. I trip over a log, and fall down hitting my head on a rock. I groan in pain before everything goes black.

It's been 2 hours since Clarke ran off. Her mom would be looking for her soon to talk, and I knew if she couldn't find her she'd ask me where she went. I couldn't tell her mom she ran away without telling her mom she was pregnant. I wasn't going to tell her mom she was pregnant, Clarke should be the one too. I grabbed my pack from my tent and went to the rations station. I shoved a few things of food in my pack and put my pack on.

"Going hunting?" Jasper asked

"No. Need to clear my head. Be alone. I'll be back later. Tell Octavia." I say turning and walking away.

"Can I come with you?" Jasper yells running to catch up with me.

"Jasper, I really just need to be alone. I got a lot on my mind. I'm sorry, next time." I tell him and lay his shoulder

I walk out the gate. As soon as the gate closes I take off running. I run until I physically can't. I fall to the ground and lean against a tree to catch my breath. I let out a sigh did I really fuck up everything between me and Clarke. I mean I love her and we're having a kid together. I thought to myself.

"Hey, can we talk?" Jasper asks sticking his head in my tent.

"Of course." I sit up and tap the bed for him to come sit

"Bellamy wanted me to tell you he had to go on, let's call it a walk. He had a lot on his mind. He had to clear his head." He tells me

Rage starts to bubble inside me. "He couldn't of told me himself?"

"He told me to wait 5 minutes before I tell you. So you wouldn't follow him." He tells me "Your not mad at me right? Cause you seem a little.... pissed?"

"No Jasper. I'm not mad at you. I am however pissed army asshole brother who couldn't come talk to me."

"What are you gonna do?" Jasper asked

"We're gonna go find him." I stated

Jasper agreed. Me and him grabbed our packs and headed out the front gate. I knew the area pretty well, thanks to Lincoln and the fact I snuck out a lot.

We've been walking for almost 3 miles, and it's getting dark soon.

"Maybe we should head back." Jasper whines

"No, be could be hurt." I tell him

"O?" I hear from behind us.

I turn around and se Bellamy. I run over to him and hug him. I pull away and slap him across the face.

"What the hell Octavia!" He practically yelled at me

"You has me worried. You can't just leave and not tell me. I had to bear that my brother ran away from Jasper. And to find out you made him wait 5 minutes to tell me! Something could have happened to you. You could have been killed or hurt. Or the grounders could have taken you." I yell at him

"O, I'm fine. I didn't run away I was always gonna come back. I could never leave you." He tells me

"You still has me scared and I'm still angry at you. But I'm glad your okay." I pout

We head back to camp. Bellamy goes into his tent and me and Jasper get a drink.

I sit in the ground against the Drop ship, drinking Monty's moonshine with Jasper.

"Wha do you think happens when the adults find out about Monty's still?" I joke

"Make a new one." Jasper laughs

I was sitting around the fire with Monty, Harper, and Murphy. It was quiet no one was talking. It was peaceful. It was a warm night and for the first time, j wasn't worried about being attacked  by grounders, or worried about making bullets. Or anything for that matter. That was until Bellamy.

"Hey have any of you seen Clarke?" He asks in a panic

"No we thought she was with you." Harper says

"She's not. She left camp this morning and according to Miller, she hasn't been back all day." He tells us

"We'll find her okay. Go tell Octavia and Jasper." I reassured him

He runs over to Octavia and Jasper. Me, Monty and Murphy go to Bellamys tent to wait for him and the others.

"I wanna help." Harper says walks into the tent "Clarke's more than just your guys friend, she's help a lot of people around this camp and we need her. So I wanna help bring her home."

"Okay, thanks Harper." I smile

We made up a plan. Just me, Harper, Octavia, Jasper, Monty, Miller, Murphy, and Bellamy knew about this, and we planned on keeping it like that. We planned on going out everyday to check, a 5 mile radius around the camp. 

I wake up but don't open my eyes. I don't know where I am but I'm moving. I hear voices talking and I can't understand anything. I don't recognize any of the voices I hear. I open my eyes to see where I am. But I am greeted by someone I never expected.....

Cliff hanger😂 I planned on making this longer, but I want d to leave it at a cliff hanger so it didn't get to be longer. Oh well. Sorry if there any spelling or grammar errors.

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