Leaving Polis

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I went to thank Lexa this morning and she wouldn't even look at me. She didn't say more than 10 words to me the whole time I was in there. And when she did, she sounded guilty, maybe even sad. I decided not to ask. I didn't want to push. I went back to my room and Bellamy wasn't there, but someone else was.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask

"I'm Gustus." He states plainly

I look at him questionably for a minute. "What do you want?"

"To let you know that you and the boy have to go back to your camp."

"Where is Bellamy." I ask sounding meaner than intended.

"Gathering some supplies for your walk back. Lexa doesn't want to kill you, but something's changed." He informs me

"What are you talking about." I snap at him

"Lexa plans on attacking your camp." He says

Without saying anything I stomp out of my room and down to where Lexa is.

"What the hell are you thinking. You let me and Bellamy stay here and then you plan on attacking our people. I thought we had a truce!" I yell as I storm into the room Lexa is in.

"Clarke..." She calmly says

"You gave us your word that if me and Bellamy stayed here your people and mine had a truce. So tell me what happened." I demand

"You and Bellamy happened. You weren't suppose to stay a week at your camp. This isn't a negotiation. We are attacking your people." And with that she walks out of the room.

The door closes and is locked before I can leave the room. "Hey! Let me out!" I bang on the door.

When Clarke went to talk to Lexa I was brought to get supplies for a walk home. I didn't know why we were being sent home but I figured Clarke would find out. They gave me 2 packs, with just enough food and water for a day. I take the pack and am brought back to my room.

"Hello Bellamy." Lexa greets me as I walk into my room.

"Where's Clarke." I ask.

"She is safe. I just wanted to say, she knows everything about why you 2 have to leave. And for you and your peoples sake, I hope you can walk fast." She walks out of the room.

What the hell is she talking about. A few minutes later the doors to the room are opening. I stand up off the bed and wait to see who it is. I see 2 guards, Lexa and Clarke with a bag over her head.

"What is this?" I ask

Lexa takes the bag off Clarke's Head. "She wouldn't stop spitting at me and my guards."

She lets Clarke walk over to me and she instantly hugs me. I tell she's trying to hold back tears so I hug her to let her know that it's gonna be okay.

"Now please, following me." Lexa says stepping out from the door way.

We follow and she leads us to the front gate. "It was nice having you here. I really hope you 2 survive. I've taken a liking to you 2."

"You bitch!" Clarke tells and leaps towards Lexa.

I grab her by the waist refraining her from touching Lexa. I didn't know what was going on but I didn't want to make Lexa mad. The gate opens and were pushed out by 2 guards, and the gate instantly closes behind us.


As we walk back Clarke tells me everything Lexa told her.

"I'm scared Bellamy." She's says quietly

"It's gonna be okay. We'll survive this together." I reassure her. Rubbing my hand up and down her back for comfort.

"What if others don't. We don't have the weapons to take them." She tells me

"The ark brought down guns. We will survive."

She sighs and rests her head On my shoulder. "I hope your right."

I do too I think to me self.

By the time I get back to camp I'm out of breath, my legs burn, my throat hurts, my eyes burn, and I just feel broken. Lincoln was my home and now he's gone. Miller opens the gate at the sight of me. When that gate closes behind me I know I'm safe so I fall to the ground.

Miller and Harper come running up to me. Harper hands me water. I down it so fast I choke on it.

"Octavia what happened?" Miller asks

"He's gone." I quietly say

I inform them all on what happened, what Lincoln told me. They brought me to medical so I could rest. As soon as I was sat on the  table sleep took over me. The table was cold and hard but I didn't care. I was emotionally and physically drained. I felt as if I could sleep for days.

When I woke up it was dark out. I crawled off the table, I felt a little better but still not 100%. I walked out of the drop ship, tripping over my own feet and almost falling down.

"Careful." Someone mocks me walking by.

"Go float yourself." I yell at him.

I get to the fire and sit down on a log. I sit by myself letting the fire warm me up.

"I'm glad you made it back okay. I get to keep my head now." Miller joked sitting down next to me.

I laugh. "It would be funny to walk into camp and see your head Welcoming me."

"Haha, very Not funny. Here." He laughs handing me a glass of moonshine.

"I'm surprised the adults didn't shut down Monty's still." I take a drink of the moonshine.

"They did. 3 times. We just rebuilt it. It's hidden and further away." Miller tells me

I laugh. My head still hurts a little but I'm ignoring it. Me and Miller sit in silence enjoying the fire. It isn't an awkward silence, it's a calming silence. I enjoy having Millers company. Be been a good friend of mine for a while now. He doesn't push me to tell him something, he understands when I don't want to talk about it. And he gives really good advice. I was worried about how I was going to tell the camp about the grounders. I decided to do it in the morning. I was just gonna need help.

Don't forget to comment and vote  lol. Kind of a boring chapter. This story is coming to an end in the next few chapters. I know how I'm going to end it.
Okay, but let's talk about last nights episode of the 100 , 5x02.
•The bunker looks so intense and dark I love it.
•Octavia is so bad ass and she looks so good.
•I didn't think it was possible to love her more than I did. But I do after last night.
•Kane's long hair looks so good like I'm actually loving it.
•I was heart broken over Jaha's death. Like I liked him, I cried.
•Jaha and Ben were so cute together.
•I want to see more Niylah.
•I ship Octavia and Niylah now so much. Oml
•When they heard Clarke I cried 
•What happened to Kabby, they didn't talk for like a month?
•Mackson happened and I was so happy.
•Actually really excited for Ben as Madi to meet.
•What if Clarke and Octavia become close because they both are looking out for a child.
•next weeks promo has me shook. Like who they gonna leave behind. Echo?

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