Leaving Polis

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Lexa leads us to the gate leaving Polis. She looks at Octavia, but Octavia turns her head the other way.

"Octavia, I am sorry for what happened here." Lexa says

"It doesn't matter. If your truly did like, or even car about Lincoln one bit, you wouldn't have killed him. No matter what he did." Octavia snaps at her to ring away

Lexa nods at the guards to open the gate, Octavia walks out with Bellamy, and Murphy walked out behind them. I look back at Lexa and nod before I walk out the gate and catch up with Murphy.

"How ya doing." Murphy asks

"I'm good." I smile at him.

Bellamy looks back at me and Murphy, he smiles at me. He comes back next to Me and Murphy walks up next to Octavia.

"I was worried about you." I say putting my arm around him and lay me head on his shoulder.

"I was worried I'd never see you again." He says wrapping his arm around me

He stops me, letting Octavia and Murphy continue walking.

"I didn't know if I'd see you again." He tells me wrapping his hands around my waist.

"I'm right here." I put my arms around his neck

He pulls me closer to him and kisses me.

I look back to see if Bellamy and Clarke were keeping up. They were stopped about 10 steps behind us.

"They stopped." I say

"What?" He asks turning around

I look at him before walking over to a tree and sit against it. Murphy sits next to me.

"How you holding up?" He asks

"Good, considering." I tell him

Octavia was doing really good considering what she just went thought.

She was Braiding her hair into one big braid

"How'd you learn that?" I ask

"Lincoln." She replies

Bellamy and Clarke walk up to us

"Break time?" Bellamy jokes "we've only been walking about 15 minutes

"Waiting for you love birds." I tell them with a smirk

We all sit down around the tree and take a break for 10 minutes.

"It's gonna get dark in a few hours, we should get as far as we can." Murphy states

"He's right. I don't know how to get back to camp, but we don't wanna waste any time." I say standing up

I extend my arm out to O and help her up. Then help Clarke up.

I grab both Clarke's hands and pull her up as hard as I could. Causing her to jump up really fast. She bumps into me and and I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her.

"Guys, daylight is wasting away. Stop kissing or kiss and walk." Murphy tells us

Clarke pulls out of the kiss and puts her index finger on my lip and whispers in my ear "we'll continue this when we get back to camp."

"When will that be?" I ask

"2 days, 3 at most." She replies leaning in for one last kiss

"Okay Princess, your worth the wait." I tell her

"Guys, come on. Daylight, burning, away. Let's get a move on." Murphy yells back at us.

"He's right Bell." Octavia yells back to us too

"We're coming." Clarke yells and laughs quietly to me

We walk for about 3 miles before it becomes night. They only brought 1 tent so we all had to sleep in 1 tent. It was pretty crowded, but it kept the tent warm. Which was great because it was cold outside.

I slept next to the wall, then Clarke next to me. Next to Clarke was Octavia and next to Octavia was Murphy.

If this was when we first landed, I wouldn't have allowed Murphy to sleep next to Octavia. But we grew closer through the time down here and I trusted him, I respected Murphy.

We talked for about 5 minutes but then we were all so tired we quickly fell asleep.

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