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"Okay, everything is good, and we're don't for the night. Unfortunately, you do have to sleep here tonight, and don't get off this bed." I tell Raven sternly hoping she realizes I'm serious.

"Clarke." Raven says weakly reaching for my arm "thank you. You didn't know me, and you saved me."

"I smile back "that seems to my job down here. But Raven, tomorrow we're gonna need to talk about your leg."

"Okay, we'll be here." Finn says standing up "I'll walk you out."

"Considering that the door is 5 steps away, I'll walk myself out." I say stopping Finn.

Finn didn't do anything to me, at least that I say. I was the one who caused my self the pain. I had a thing with Bellamy, and started a thing with Finn. I was just upset.

"Damn princess, I was starting to think you would never come." I say as Clarke walks in my tent.

"Haha very funny. I had quite a long day at work today Hunny. What about you, how was work?" She replies taking off her shoes and her jacket and throwing them on the ground.

"Well, make yourself at home. And my day was great, thank you for asking." I sit up on the edge of my bed.

Mine and Clarke's relationship had a kind of humor like married people. And we fought  like married people. Hell, maybe we were that old married couple.

"How did we become leaders to these delinquents" she ask as she sighs and sits next to me.

"Cause everyone else was to dumb to. And hey, watch what you say, your a delinquent too ya know." I smile and push her back on the bed.

She curls up in my arms. I could tell she was tired so I let her sleep. She was so adorable when she slept. She looked happy and peaceful. 

The next morning
I wake up in a lot less pain than I thought, actually no pain. I was confused, because I literally had a knife in my leg. But also, kinda of relieved.

"Okay, how you doing this morning?" Clarke asks me as she enters the ship.

"I'm in no pain and I feel back to my old self." I say noticing Clarke facial expression drop to a frown.

She lets out a sigh, "okay, Hey Finn. Wake up dude!" She says shaking Finn.

"Oh, good your here. What did you need to talk about?" Finn asks

"Raven, umm yesterday I told you the knife was resting comfortably on your nerve." She says

"Hey Clarke it's okay spit it out." I tell her

"We umm, I couldn't, get it out in time and..."

"In time for what?!" Bellamy snaps at her.

"Before the knife was taken out, it shifted cutting the nerve. The nerve is damaged, and your leg is basically useless now."

"Wow. Okay umm." I say trying to hold back my tears "can it be fixed?" I ask

"Not with surgery. It can be healed, but in it's own. But it also can't. The chance for your leg to make a full recovery is umm 45/100." She tells me.

"Okay umm. That's a lot to process, I need to be alone. Finn, you too out." I say. I start bawling, right as they leave the ship

"Hey! Your nothin but a waste of life. Your a douche bag. You know that?" Some kid says to me as he pushes on my shoulders.

"Look kid. I don't know who you are, but back the hell off." I say to him

"I'm Finn. The boyfriend of the girl you crippled." He says, anger in his eyes. He walks away.

I knew exactly who I crippled and I did not know what to do.. I felt terrible.

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