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"Listen here, kid, you're supposed to be helping us." Tomura snarled, all familiarity and closeness gone.

"I was watching, like you told me to."

Midoriya sat on the floor, rubbing his arm, which was slightly bleeding due to Tomura gripping it out of frustration.

"That noumu didn't have to get itself killed, you could have done something to stop that red-white trash." Tomura growled.

"Do you know how difficult it is to get these monsters?"

"As I've said, I couldn't have helped, even my words wouldn't have convinced him to leave the noumu alone."

"Even so, you coaxed him to use his fire." Tomura lunged for him. "You think I don't know? I'm always watching you and lover boy."

"He's not lover boy." Midoriya huffed as he dodged Tomura's grasp.

"You've grown soft, ever since Kamui died, you haven't killed anyone yet, how long has it been?"

Midoriya lifted his head defiantly.

"I'll take another hero's life soon."

"Plus you're the one who wanted to launch an attack on the city for no goddamned reason, don't blame me for your pet's death."

He felt himself flinch as Tomura's fist collided with his cheek with a sickening crunch.

"Watch your mouth, kid. I call the shots here, the League of Villains can do without your brains and information. You can't do anything without Dabi and Toga."

"You're going to have to submit to my ideology if you want to be one of us. Your ideology is problematic, and to top it up, you're not even a real villain."

"You're treading a line, and until you prove it to me, I won't ever accept you."

"I killed Kamui already, I've spilled blood and got my hands stained already. What more do you want?" Midoriya growled.

He didn't agree with Tomura's ideas for society, but he joined the League of Villains knowing that fact, because he needed aid.

If not he could never fulfill this mentality of his before he crawled into his grave.

Tomura smiled, but it wasn't the casual smile like last time, Midoriya had lost his trust, and he knew full well the glint in his eyes.

It was one of malice.

Stretching out his hand, Tomura patted Midoriya's shoulder, before whispering into his ear.

Damp words brushed Midoriya's ear, and time seemed to have slowed as he processed those words.

"Kurogiri, take him home." Tomura said nonchalantly, waving at the pool of black mist sitting on the couch, watching their conversation unfold.

The last thing Midoriya saw was darkness before he found himself back in Todoroki's apartment, specifically his makeshift room.

It was the dead of night, there was no noise, only silence, it was deafening, accompanied by the moonlight filtering through the thin curtains.

He sat on the bed, while facing a mirror conveniently placed in the room, meant for personal grooming.

He saw a boy, disheveled, with moonlight streaking his hair,

his murky green eyes,

his tears.

It reminded him of himself when he got rejected into UA, a shadow of his past.

Just that this time the reason was different.

Tomura's demand replayed in his mind as his hands slowly reached for his face, cupping it tightly, as if ripping his skin would save him from the agony he was facing right now.

His cheek stung from the punch earlier, but it didn't sting as much as his heart.

"Kill Todoroki Shoto with your own bare hands."

A/N: Ho Boi help me, I hope this story is nearing its end soon. My mind is going places.

Short chapter, but I wanted to dedicate it to the interaction only.

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I really appreciate it

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