Phase one: Finale Part 1

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Midoriya sat on the hospital bed, he was bored to his wits end.

He looked at the clock.


Todoroki had left him alone since 11, when Midoriya asked where he was going, he merely replied.

"To watch my father fight."

"But Todoroki-kun, if you join, you may get killed."

Midoriya felt a hand at his chin, Todoroki's hand to be exact, Midoriya lifted up his face to meet two glowing, beautiful eyes.

"Or worse still, you may get hurt, Midoriya."

He couldn't control the frantic pumping in his chest.

What's Todoroki trying to do?

Todoroki released Midoriya, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"Nevertheless, I won't get myself involved, despite the fact I don't like my old man, he's quite the capable guy."

Midoriya didn't know whether to feel annoyed or relieved.

As much as he didn't want Todoroki to get hurt, he wanted Endeavor erased from this world.

Now that Todoroki was gone, Midoriya had nothing to entertain himself with.

Should I go take a peek too?


Suddenly two small but nimble arms enveloped him in an embrace.

"...Toga..?" Midoriya stuttered out, slightly stunned by the close proximity between them.

"Yep!" The blonde girl nodded, her messy hair bouncing vigorously.

She looked so happy and radiant despite the fact they were going to fight the Number 2 hero in 15 minutes.

"How's the attack going to happen, Toga?"

"Oh you know, boss guy gonna pull out the big guns, those ugly looking beasts, you know!!" Toga laughed.

"He may be able to fight off one, but can he fight off 5 at once?"  Toga smiled.

He may.

"He's the number 2 hero Toga... Are you sure?"

"Yep yep!!"

"What if he brings help?"

"Do you think he will, Izu-kyun?"

Midoriya paused to think.


"Exactly!" Toga placed her hands on the window ledge, leaning against the unlatched window.

"He's too egoistic to ask for help, Izu. You of all people should know that."

Midoriya felt a light tap on his head, realising Toga had gently slapped him.

"After all, you're the one who targeted him first." She giggled.

Midoriya sighed. Guess he should just trust them.

"Also, why weren't you able to kill the woman?"

Midoriya froze. The woman?


"Sakuya Sakura whatever! She's not important." Toga tipped her head.

"So why?"

Midoriya didn't know why.

"I don't know, guess I was too afraid to kill."

Toga smiled. He was born into a world where kindness was molded into his heart, even though he denies it, it's still there. Like a sickening thorn that won't let go.

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