2K Special

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Here's a 2K special I guess, taking place on the night of Midoriya's discharge from the hospital!! Enjoy!! Once again thank you all for 2K!
Inko isn't dead yet, this took place before chapter 'What now?'

I'd follow you to the great unknown.
Off to a world we call our own.


They stood on the snow laced pavement.

He looked up.

Todoroki's gentle face looked at him. It was a rare sight to see Todoroki so serene. It made him happy too, he didn't like seeing his partner constantly plagued with problems.

"It's going to be difficult for you."

"What do you mean, Todoroki-kun?"

"Midoriya, you don't need to hide from me."

"Hide what?" Midoriya felt himself stutter.

Todoroki sighed.

"You'll see. You can't run forever."

"...Yeah..." Midoriya sighed. He felt himself exhale deeply, feeling his bones groan.

He looked up at the night sky, dotted with stars that shimmered endlessly, and the moon, waning away, but still there. Trying to wash all his burdens away.

He felt a pair of warm hands enclasp him.

Hand in my hand, and we promised to never let go.

"That doesn't mean I'm giving up, Midoriya."

Midoriya laughed. Todoroki always looked so serious when it came to saving him or something.

"Lighten up, Todoroki-kun, I don't need a wolf hounding me constantly. Or a mum breathing down my neck every moment."

"I mean it, Midoriya." Todoroki's grasp tighten, making Midoriya stiffen.

"I'm going to be the one who saves you from this."

Save me?

Midoriya laughed.

"But Todoroki-kun, I don't need saving."

He grinned weakly.

"I'm really fine."

We're walking a tightrope.

"You always say that Midoriya, but this is something not for you to decide."

High in the sky, we can see the horizon below.

"I'm always here, Midoriya, if you can't open your heart to me, nothing will change."

"It's not like you would ever confide in me..." Midoriya sourly muttered.

"You don't know me, why would you care so much anyways?"

"Just as how you care so much about my business, Todoroki-kun." Midoriya replied, a faint shade of pink dusting his cheeks. "And plus, why would I confide in you and not someone else?"

Never sure if you would catch me if I should fall.

"Do you have anyone else, then?"

He halted.

He didn't.

He wrenched his hands away from Todoroki.

"I'm going home. Thank you, Todoroki-kun."

"Don't thank me when I haven't done anything for you."

Midoriya lifted his head in surprise. Only to see Todoroki walk past him.

"Hurry up, I'm walking you home."

What? Midoriya was momentarily stunned.

Todoroki was far away from him already.

"Wait!! Todoroki! God damn it I can go home by myself!" Midoriya ran after him.

"Ah!! Izuku! You're finally home! Okaasan was worried sick!" Inko exclaimed.

"Okaasan, I'm ok." Midoriya cooed, hugging her, inhaling her homely scents. It always calmed him down.

"Oh.. and who's this?" Inko's dark green orbs sparkled as she saw Todoroki behind.

"He's my friend, Todoroki-kun, he walked me home from the hospital."

Inko looked at Todoroki, which greeted her pleasantly and with a brilliant smile enough to charm anyone.

Next thing Midoriya knew, they were sitting at the table chatting as if they were old pals.

He seriously couldn't believe it, the frosty Todoroki was partaking in interaction.

"Thank you for taking care of Izuku!! He may be a handful on occasions, I hope he didn't cause you much trouble!!"

"Okaasan!" Midoriya exclaimed, face flushing with embarrassment.


Midoriya looked to see a chucking Todoroki.

This further fueled his embarrassment, Midoriya ran out of the house, desperate for fresh air to cool his burning face.

Todoroki's PoV

"Ah!! Izuku!" Inko exclaimed.

"Never mind him, he's always like that. But I'm glad he's happier now."


"You didn't know? Todoroki-kun?"

"Izuku hasn't always been this depressed. He was once a bright boy."

Todoroki's body posture stiffened.

"...May you tell me more about Midoriya-kun?"

Inko sighed.

"It's not a very nice story to tell, but I'd hope that you'll help me take care of him when I'm not around once you know of his past."

"...I promise."

A/N: Hello!! Thank you so much for 2K, so here's this scrapped together extra chapter.
The italics in this chapter were song lyrics, not thoughts, it's a minor deviation, sorry!!

Thank you for following up with Fractured!! 💕💕 Your support is immensely appreciated gahhh 。゚(゚'Д`゚)゚。

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