Kamui, of the dead

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It made a big stir, his death.
His face flashed across huge panels on city buildings, it reminded Midoriya of his mother, like how people only remembered when the person was now gone.

It was despicable, truly.

Endeavor's office was in a flurry, staff were running around, papers were strewn everywhere. It was a huge mess.

"Midoriya-kun! Thank god you're finally here." He heard one of his colleagues exclaim.

"Help load today's news into the van outside."

Midoriya sighed. Rolling up his sleeves. He hoisted up the stacks of papers, bringing them to the van.

He was at his third or fourth stack when Todoroki came up.

"Need help?"

Midoriya glanced at the headlines of the newspapers, going on about the death of Kamui Woods. Narrowing his eyes, he knew Todoroki wouldn't volunteer to help unless it was for a reason.

"Don't you have better things to do?" Midoriya sneered. "More Pro-hero like?"

Todoroki's stoic expression didn't waver.

"Yes. After I help you."

Midoriya's grasp on the papers tightened, trying to suppress the surmounting anger that Todoroki didn't even deny his statement.

"Well what are you waiting for. Hurry up." Midoriya snapped. Moving away from him with the newspapers in his grasp.

"So, Kamui Woods was found dead, at the field not far off from the city." Todoroki began.

"Anything else?" Midoriya replied simply.

"That's what I should be asking you. Midoriya."

"It could have been a villain attack that went wrong." Midoriya turned around, arms outstretched as he smiled.

"After all, the good doesn't win everytime."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, before he sighed.

"Midoriya, why do you look so pleased? Isn't the death of a pro hero something to fret about?"

"Who knows, maybe the death of a hero can spur the good side to reflect."

"And may I ask, who is the good side to you, Midoriya."

Midoriya paused, he wasn't really sure how to reply that, Todoroki didn't accept his silence.

"You can't keep walking the line between villainy and justice. Midoriya."

"Are you trying to imply that it was me?"

"There was a reason why I didn't show you the file," Todoroki mused. Catching Midoriya's attention.

"Oh? And what was it?"

"... There was a hero in the vicinity that tried to fight the villain, but failed..."

"...that hero, was Kamui Woods."

"Knowing you, Midoriya, you have a foot in both worlds, if you knew this, you would have killed Kamui as a form of revenge."

Midoriya was entranced.

"But somehow he died before you read that file, meaning you should have come to that conclusion yourself after visiting your burnt house the other day."

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