Phase one: Break 1

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"What did you do, Midoriya." Todoroki growled. One hand against the wall while staring at Midoriya's face.

Midoriya was called to Todoroki's office not long after, the green haired boy entered only to be driven to a corner by the half and half hero.

Midoriya laughed. "Todoroki-kun, what do you mean?"

Midoriya was trying to keep a calm composure, but there was no mistaking the rapid palpitations in his heart, and was fighting a uncontrollable blush.

Todoroki was so close to him, it felt so... wrong.

"Don't play dumb with me, I'm not going to be fooled by you."

"Midoriya, you seem to be harboring information from us, this is really crucial, what are you doing hiding this from us?"

He smells nice.

Now's not the time to think about these stuff, snap out of i--

"Midoriya. Are you working with the villains?"


He knew Todoroki was suspicious of him already, but the way he phrased his speech rubbed Midoriya the wrong way. In fact, it pissed the hell out of him.

"What? You're accusing me now because I have data you all don't?" Midoriya couldn't help but feel irritated.

"That's not the point, why would someone like you have this kind of informatio-"

"Oh so that's it? I'm just being looked down upon again?" Midoriya interrupted, staring at him with malice.

How annoying, I hate people whom underestimate me.

Todoroki's face has morphed from one of suspicion and anger, to one of confusion. His features relaxed, and his eyes softened. But Midoriya couldn't take it anymore.

Smiling, Midoriya pulled Todoroki's tie, the sudden force caused Todoroki to jerk forward in surprise.

Midoriya positioned his face directly in front of Todoroki, who was blushing profusely, such that their faces were mere centimeters apart. Before whispering.

"It's ok"

"I don't need you guys either"

He released Todoroki, who then backed off, panting.

Midoriya reached for the door knob, swinging the door open with a certain aggression, before walking away.

His feet carried him back to the exact same room they held the noumu, he assumed Todoroki wouldn't come for him for now, it wasn't the correct time after all. He entered the room where the noumu was bound, before touching the glass panel the noumu was behind.

"These people are really annoying..." he didn't even know why he was talking to the noumu, maybe he was the one who would understand him, because no one else ever would, after all, no one ever truly understood him from the start.

"You're the only one I talk to now because you don't understand anything, you get it?" Midoriya laughed, blinking back tears, the sadness he was compressing from the past came rushing back to him. He didn't want to seem weak, he thought he was done with the past, his weak, useless self.

Before he knew it, tears spilled out of his eyes, drop by drop, like a leaking tap that couldn't be fixed, they landed on the floor, leaving damp marks. He looked like crap now, but for a certain reason, Midoriya didn't care anymore.

What he didn't know, and cared about was, Todoroki standing at the entrance of the room, looking at him in his true state. His eyes didn't waver as he took in Midoriya's condition.

Midoriya lifted his head, only to notice the half and half bastard standing there, his eyes froze in fear, he didn't want to look weak after making such a strong stand against Todoroki. He wiped his tears away and walked out of the room, and back to his office.

When he brushed past Todoroki, he didn't react, but....

"... You really, are broken after all."

Midoriya heard those words whispered by Todoroki, a sad and simple sentence he's heard many people use.

It was disgraceful, but true.

It hit too close to home. As Midoriya jerked violently again. Before calming himself down and walking away.

He didn't want to hear anything more from Todoroki, who knows what would happen if he stayed longer.

Walking down the dark hallway back to his office, he dried the last of his tears. His eyes were filled with a cold hard sense of determination.

He's enough.

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