Phase one : Attack 1

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"It's ok." Tomura said.
Midoriya cocked his head in surprise, he knew, of all people, Tomura wouldn't be the one to underestimate him, he was the first who accepted him after all.

Or was he?

"We need you to remain in endeavors office, since the boy of his already suspects you, we prefer you to keep a clean identity for now. After all, we do not want them to find out your affiliations to the League."

Guess there's some kind of sense to that.

'"Izuku, you are already helping."

"That's enough"

Tomura smirked.

We will strike tomorrow.

Midoriya sat in his office, surrounded by his many co-workers typing furiously at their keyboards.

He looked out of the window, taking in the cityscape, the towering skyscrapers casted long shadows everywhere, pure black was brought upon the small dark alleyways hiding between the buildings. Commonplace for villainy.

He wondered when they would strike.

He had collated a list of information about the Noumu, mostly useless points that wouldn't help with the investigation.

"Midoriya"Todoroki's voice rumbled beside him.

Midoriya jumped, before turning to face the half and half boy.

"Come to my office."

Todoroki's office always looked magnificent no matter how many times he entered it. Big and spacious, shelves of papers and books neatly arranged. For a huge nerd like Midoriya, it was simply amazing.

He sat down on the velvet chairs, directly opposite of Todoroki. For some reason he felt more inferior to him than ever.

Todoroki glanced at Midoriya, before passing him a file.

"This is the biology test when we sampled the noumu's DNA."

Midoriya flipped through and skimmed through the reports, he didn't need to scrutinize it, for he himself knew what the contents say.

"The noumu contains DNA from several humans."Midoriya said, putting on a slightly stunned face.

"Exactly, this biological tampering may result in the multiple quirks the Noumu possess."

"The question is, who would be capable enough to tamper with this DNA process"

Midoriya could feel Todoroki's gaze burning him. He wasn't planning on losing beat either.

You're suspecting the wrong person.

"Must be someone really clever."

"After all, the most dangerous villains work in the shadows" Midoriya replied simply.

At that moment, the large window in Todoroki's office shattered.

"GET DOWN!", Todoroki boomed, so loud that Midoriya was shocked into complying. The large glass pane was shattered into many fractals as bits and pieces flew around wildly. Midoriya felt one cut his lip, drawing blood. But he didn't really care, he and Todoroki were more concerned about the figure clothed in black, azure blue hair flowed in the wind caused by the impact. But what was most striking were the many hands covering the man's body and face. And the chaffed lips underneath them.

Fractured Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ