Phase one: Attack 3

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Midoriya glanced at Toga, scratching his head.

"Gee Toga, thanks."

Gosh I almost died in her hands.

"No problem Izu-kyun!" Toga smiled, hugging Midoriya whilst slipping her knife into Midoriya's grasp.

Midoriya fingered the cold, slimy blade, whilst glancing at Sakuya. He felt beads of sweat forming on his palms.

He'd thrown and used knives his whole life, but they were only on dummies or animals. This time, it was on a living, breathing human. He wasn't sure if he was ready for this.

Sakuya glanced at Midoriya, face morphing from one of shock to that of anger.

"Midoriya, are you working with them?!" She exclaimed, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. Midoriya didn't need her stupid quirk to know that she was shaken and absolutely astounded.

A meek boy working with the villains. Was it that shocking?

"The most dangerous villains work in the shadows." Midoriya mumbled. Walking towards Sakuya, he gripped the knife.

"I...I can't believe you!" She screamed.

"You.. MONSTER!" She spat the words at Midoriya, he saw the disgust pooling in her eyeballs, and in the tears she shed pitifully as she embraced the last moments of her life.

Her words caused Midoriya's heart to wrench, he had never been called a monster before, was this how villains worked? To be judged even before the knowledge of their true motives? Many thoughts clouded Midoriya's mind, he had so many questions, but there were so little answers.

He knelt over Sakuya, knife aimed at her throat, he knew where to cut, where to make it slow, or to end it fast, he knew it all...

...And yet he couldn't bring himself to plunge the knife in.

His hand was trembling with... terror, guilt? He knew Sakuya treated him like shit, he absolutely despised her too.

But why couldn't he get rid of her, even though she was already in his grasp.

It was as if a fraction of his innocent morality from his childhood was holding him back. A innocence he'd thought he crushed the day the rejection letter from that academy arrived.


"Izu-kyun?" Toga's voice sounded, Midoriya turned over to see a slightly puzzled Toga, head cocked to one side.

"What's wrong? Izu-kyun?"

"Izuku, hurry up and end her life, we ain't got all day, thats half and half brat is probably on his way with his shit excuse of a dad already." Tomura impatiently said.

He knew he had to do it fast. But he couldn't.

He couldn't, bending down, he clutched his stomach and covered his mouth, trying to prevent the bile seeping up his throat from escaping his mouth. No matter how he tried convincing himself, his body reacted against his wishes.

Just plunge the damn knife in already!

Sakuya saw the conviction in Midoriya's eyes.

Midoriya looked up to see Sakuya looking weakly at him. She didn't bother smiling at him, she was still probably disgusted at him.

"Even you know this is wrong." She said simply.

A flurry of thoughts swirled through Midoriya's head.

No this isn't wrong, they... I... did it because Endeavor was a poor hero, a sad excuse for a power sucking machine. He truly didn't care about people's lives.

So why...

Suddenly footsteps were heard above us.

"Shit, they're back." Tomura snarled.

"Izu-kyun..." Toga half sneered, snatching the blade away from him. She skipped over to her body.

"Why can't you do it? It's so easy!" She shouted, annoyed.

"All you need to do is this!"

She drove the blade into Sakuya's chest, withdrawing and plunging again and again. Midoriya saw the life slowly drain from her eyes, but before it was gone. She looked at him, there was no mistaking the pity in her eyes. As she sucked her final breath.

No...stop. Don't look at me like that.

Midoriya Izuku, the quirkless failure who can't even kill when the person is in front of him.

Midoriya clutched his head, frantically scratching his scalp as if to rid himself of these thoughts swirling through his mind as he crouched on the floor. Tears flowed out of his eyes as they landed next to Sakuya's limp hand sodden with blood.

"Tch, let's go."


Black mist appeared as they jumped in, leaving Midoriya alone with the dead woman.

"Midoriya...?" Todoroki's voice resonated at his right.

Midoriya turned, and could see the shocked face of Todoroki as he took in Sakuya's dead body, Midoriya's mental state, his dark eye bags contrasting against his pale freckled skin as his cut lip bled, small patches in his scalp which hair had been torn out due to Midoriya's anxiety, and not to mention the wide emerald orbs that stared right at him, filled with unreadable emotion.

"What's going on?!" Endeavors voice boomed, as the flame hero approached Midoriya. He was angry, flames blazing wildly.

Midoriya flinched, shying away from him.

"Old man, can't you see he's not in the correct state right now." Todoroki hissed.

"Don't talk to me like that Shoto," Endeavor threatened, but still, he took a step back before turning to walk away.

"I'll come to him later." Endeavor stated.

Midoriya sensed Todoroki coming up near him slowly, a hand rested on his shoulder. Midoriya flinched, slapping Todoroki's hand away.

" more..." Midoriya gasped for air, as if his life had been sucked out from him. His nightmares and fears once again alive and haunting him.


"Midoriya... Midoriya!" Midoriya felt Todoroki shaking him.

"WHAT?" Midoriya turned around, fixating Todoroki with a withering stare, attempting to throw all his hatred at the world, at himself, in that one gaze. He was trembling, despite the fact he tried not to, it wasn't surprising, he'd lost control of himself a long time ago.

He knew he was being an asshole to Todoroki who was trying to help him, even though he suspects that he was a villain.

"Why?" Midoriya clenched his teeth and asked.

"Why sacrifice so much for me, you could have killed the beast, maybe even a league member or two, at the expense of my life. It was for the greater good."

"So why Todoroki-kun...?"

He felt as if the world was spinning, his unanswered questions and problems slowly disappearing as darkness crept around the edges of his eyes.

Closing his eyes, Midoriya willingly let himself sink into his prolonged fatigue.

Collapsing on the floor.

And escaping into the cold comfort of darkness.

A/N : HEYY I'm back. Just a little more information, I don't really like writing in the POV of bnha characters, such as the usage of 'I' and so on, and prefer to write in third person form. But just to clear some stuff up. The words in italics are written in the POV of the Bnha characters, mostly their thoughts. And usually the book is written with Deku as the main character, so they're mostly Deku's thoughts, but some chapters may have Todoroki's thoughts (chapter 9 was focused more on Todoroki) so indirectly I'm writing POV in third person form. THIS SOUNDS CONFUSING, I apologize!! Oh gosh what have I done...

Anyways thank you for following up with Fractured!! 💕

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