The Beginning of the End

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(Time Lapse- 3 years after deku got rejected in Yueei)
Small note: words in italics are Deku's thoughts

Midoriya sat on one of those ragged, torn, tattered stools of the abandoned building. In front of him was a man with hands all over his face, wrinkled face, with blue hair. He was the ultimate combination of wrong in his opinion. He questioned himself for getting into a working relationship with him too.

Oh well, you don't have to look good to be a villain I guess.

On the other hand, a man with black mist for his head sat at one corner, polishing a glass with a dirt caked cloth.

After three years of training his usage of weaponry, physical capabilities, and intelligence. Midoriya had grown quite a fair bit, both in brain and brawn

"Midoriya Izuku, why had you chosen to find us? Do you have an intention to join the League of Villians? "The man with the hands sneered.

"I'll never be a pro hero, they rejected my application because I was quirkless, what they didn't see was that my talent doesn't lie there, it lies somewhere else. Tomura. Even so, I do not wish to join your organization, but merely to have you as a working partner in times of aid."

"Interesting, like a side branch," the man was actually taking this into consideration, despite his withering look he just shot Midoriya.

"What can I benefit from this partnership?"

Typical, he wants a trade-off. Oh well, I guess it can't be avoided.

"I can help you in terms of hero intelligence, I have the weaknesses of many pro heros and their flaws in my hands, despite the fact I'm quirkless, I can also provided in thinking up schemes and in actual combat"

"You seem to point out the fact you don't have a quirk, could it be your drive of hatred for heros because of their need to have quirks?"


"Society's views on heros are tainted, I despise heros who have quirks but are not capable enough to carry out their duties effectively"

"And what is your primary goal you want to achieve, Midoriya Izuku?"

My goal, huh.

"... I want to eliminate them off, those people who rub me the wrong way, I will see to it that they are eliminated"

Tomura took off his hand obscuring his face, Midoriya saw his cracked line for a mouth draw itself into a smile.

"Welcome, Midoriya Izuku, if you have anything you request for, we will provide assistance, and vice versa, I presume"

Midoriya smiled.

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