Part 8

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** Guys, apologies in advance.**

You feel eyes burning into the back of your head. You glance up searching Diaval's face. He looks down at you, arms still pulled tight around your waist, another lopsided grin covering his lips. He raises an eyebrow and you blush. You pull away from his and turn around. Maleficent and Aurora smile from across the room. You walk over to Aurora and pull her into a hug.

"Don't ever do that again."

"Do not worry (f/n), I don't intend to repeat the previous events."

"There's a good girl."

"We should get moving." Maleficent whispers "They king will be coming to see Aurora soon."

"Good idea." Diaval says walking towards the door.

You all hurry out the door and down the into the abandoned ball room.

"Hurry up," You whisper "last thing we want is-" You are cut off by the sound of armor rattling and the sound of shouting. The next thing you know, you are surrounded. Two guards drag a protesting Aurora away while the rest barricade you, Diaval and Maleficent in separate circles with their shields.

You hit the shields to get out but jump back at the feel if burning against your skin. You look at your arm and bite your bottom lip as your pale white skin turns a charred black colour. Iron burns fairies. Maleficent kicks at the shields trying not to burn herself while Diaval backs away from the blades pointed at his neck. Your vision becomes blurred as the shields close around you. You widen your eyes and scream as loud as you can.

"(f/n)! (f/n)!" Shouts Diaval as he frantically punches the shields separating him from you.

"Shut him up!" Shouts one of the guards. Another guard pushes a spear to Diaval's throat.

"Into a dragon!" You shout waving your hand, like a maniac. Diaval transforms into a fire-breathing mass of scales that towers above everything and scorches several of the guards holding him prisoner. You begin to hit the shields again, ignoring the pair filling your body. Knives are pointed at you, causing you to slowly back away. The blades get closer with an increasing pace and you pull your knees up to your chest. Your skin burns from the iron and your ears ring from the sound of Diaval roar. Diaval takes another swipe at the guards and kills them. He looks over at you and roars.  He uses his tail to swipe the guards surroundings you off their feet, watching as you rush to your feet.

You dodge the arrows flying your way and run to the opposite side of the room. Guards run after you shouting orders at each other. You then do something you never thought you could do. You kill. You wave your hand and watch as one of the guards turn to ash, floating to the ground. The three other men surroundings the pile of ash charge for you, hiding behind their iron shields, so you repeat the action. All three meet the same fate as the last.

Diaval helps you take down the guards, while Maleficent fights the king. He pushes her to the ground and points iron spikes at her body. Diaval grabs a handful of the shield holding guards in his claws throwing them off the balcony to their deaths. Maleficent runs from the king and climbed up some of the stairs leading to the stone balcony of the castle. Iron chains are thrown at her and she screams. That's when the sound of fighting is over powered by the sound of flapping. A pair of strong wings fly across the room and attach themselves to Maleficent's back. A brief smile crosses her lips before she flies up into the air. The king throws another chair at her and watches as it hooks around her foot. Maleficent flies out of the castle window dragging the king behind her, leaving you and Diaval to dispose of the remaining guards.

Once all the guards and killed you transform Diaval back into a human. He runs to you, pulling you tight to his chest. Soon Maleficent flies back through the window and Aurora meets you back in the ball room. You look over your burns and catch your breath.

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