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[Kim Seungmin]

"Shouldn't you sleep Chan? Woojin will be mad if he finds out that you are awake" I went to the brunette, giggling as he turned around with a pout.
"Oh come on Seungmin you have a guest and I can't just sleep when I know that there are two boys in the living room that probably get hungry easily" He turned around again and continued cooking.
"Go back to bed once you finished this and I won't tell Woojin, deal?" He just nodded.

I sighed and went to the table, sitting down beside Hyunjin. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, making him look somehow adorable.
"I hope you'll be grateful that I made you lunch instead of kicking your butt Hyunjin." Chan placed two plates of rice and Kimchi on the table, ruffled my hair and left the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the offended expression on Hyunjins face. He pouted and took a pair of chopsticks, beginning to eat.


After a while both of us had finished the meal Chan had cooked for us.
"Whoa that was delicious, your cousins boyfriend is a great cook! But I'm somehow still hungry.." The elder sighed as he stared at his empty plate.
"Should I make us pudding? I'm not as good as Chan when it comes to cooking but he taught me how to make pudding so I think I can make you pudding if you want some" I suggested, smiling as he nodded with a wide grin.

"Pudding sounds great" Hyunjin answered with a smile. I got up and put a pot onto the stove, getting the ingredients for pudding out of the fridge. Humming one of my favourite songs I began to insert the ingredients, stirring them carefully as I increased the temperature a bit.
"That song sounds sorta familiar...wait don't say you like Star too?" The raven haired muttered quietly. I chuckled a bit and continued to stir the liquid inside of the pot, making sure that it didn't burn on the bottom of the pot.
"Star is great, I like his music. He's my rolemodel hehe" I hummed the song a bit longer, only paying attention to the pot.

A squeak escaped my lips as I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind me, a chin resting on my shoulder.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked with bright red cheeks. The elder didn't answer, his warm breath tickling my neck a bit.
"Hyunjin..?" I sighed as he still didn't answer, raising my left hand to grab his cheek and pull him a bit closer. A small giggle escaped my lips as he nestled close to my hand, his arms tightening around my waist. He acted like a cat, i swear to jae this was the most adorable thing he ever did!

"I truly prefer being cuddled over being beaten up" I chuckled, still stirring the pudding. The raven haired let out an amused laugh, pulling me a bit closer to his chest.
"It's comfortable to cuddle you...you're warm" He whispered against my ear, sending a shiver down my back.
"You can cuddle me whenever you want to, Hyunjin" I smiled a bit and turned off the stove, putting the pot away from the stove.

I freed myself from his hug and turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You're so warm Hyunjin.." I felt his arms wrap themselves around my waist, smiling a bit.
"You're warm too Seungmin" He chuckled softly and rested his head on my shoulder.
"I like this cuddly Hyunjin more than your bully self" I giggled a bit and pulled the elder a bit closer towards me.
"And I guess I like your more cheerful self more than the outsider I used to bully." He laughed joyfully and continued to cuddle me.

"Hyunjin don't you want to eat the pudding I made for you?" I asked with a small laugh.
"Oh I already forgot about the pudding..yes I'd love to eat it...Well at least if you didn't poison it" He nestled his head a bit closer to my neck before letting go of me. It was surprisingly cold not to be in his warm embrace anymore. I grabbed a bowl and two spoons, filling the bowl with pudding. I put the bowl onto the table an sat down across from Hyunjin.

I grabbed one of the spoons, filled it with pudding and held it infront of his mouth, waiting for him to taste it. He quickly let the pudding disappear into his mouth, his eyes sparkling a bit as he swallowed.
"Whoa this is delicious Seungmin, you sure have talent in making pudding! Can I have more of it?" He asked with a begging expression. I nodded and continued to feed the pudding to him, enjoying how happy he looked with every spoon. The me from a week ago probably would say that I was insane if I told it, that it would cuddle with Hyunjin and feed him with pudding.

"Thank you for the pudding" He grinned widely, pulling me into a hug before dragging me into the living room.
"We should continue to study Hyunjin" I sat down on the couch, grabbing one of the worksheets. The raven haired sat down beside me, wrapping one of his slender arms around my waist. He smiled a little bit and listened to me as I explained the worksheets for him.


"Hyunjin I think you should go home, it's late" I said after a few hours of tutoring. The elder let out a small laugh as he realized that it was already dark outside.
"Yeah I should really go home..Thank you for the food and for the tutoring lesson." He smiled and took my hand, walking to the door of my home.
"I had a nice time today, thank you so much Seungmin" He wrapped one arm around my waist, covering my eyes with the other one.

"What are you doing Hyunjin? I-I enjoyed today too.." I muttered quietly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He let out a small laugh and pulled me closer, something warm touching my forehead for a few seconds. As fast as it came the feeling was gone, leaving me behind really flustered and confused.
"Goodbye Seungmin. See you on monday" He let go of me and smiled warmly.
"U-Uh yeah see you on monday, have a safe trip Hyunjin" I tip-toed and quickly pecked his cheek, pushing him outside and slamming the door shut.


[A/N] Ya'all didn't expect this to happen, did ya?
Well I hope you enjoyed the fluff
Mirin out☆

The Bully and the Outsider | h.hj + k.sm | [SeungJin]Where stories live. Discover now