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[Kim Seungmin]

The noisy sound of the doorbell interrupted my peaceful sleep, making me groan a bit.
"Seungmin can you please go get the door?" Woojin shouted from his and Chans shared room. I sighed and let go of the small boy who peacefully slept in my arms, walking towards the door. I still wore my oversized pajama with little cat printings as i was too lazy to dress myself that quickly. I yawned a bit and opened the door, almost fainting as I saw who stood there. Fear filled my eyes as the raven haired male chuckled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
"I didn't knew that ugly shits can look that adorable in oversized pajamas." I felt my cheeks heating up as the elder spoke calmly.

"Woojinnie!!" I cried out as I ran away from the male, pushing the door of my cousins bedroom open. I stumbled backwards as I saw the cold expression on my cousins face.
"Seungmin you're too loud Chan deserves to rest, I'll stab you in the back if you wake him up" The silver haired said quietly, the younger brunette sleeping in his arms. They were as cute as usual.
"B-But...Woojin please help me, I-I...uh...Woojin he is here" I muttered quietly. The elder looked at me in confusion.

"Who is here? ...Oh. Um...hello Hyunjin. It's been a few years." I winced as I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"It is nice to see you again Woojin." I bit my lips as I heard how calm and friendly the taller male behind me sounded. The last time he was like this was when I fell for him after we had to a project for school together.
"It's a surprise to see you here, what made you come here at such an early hour?" My cousin asked, still careful not to wake up his boyfriend.
"I came for the private lessons with Seungmin. And I came as early as possible to make sure we have enough time to finish all of the worksheets that our teacher gave Seungmin."

"You're as hardworking as ever Hyunjin. It surprised me that you're lacking so much that my sweetie needed to tutore you" And it surprised me that Woojin still didn't stand up to beat up Hyunjins ass up...
"Things at home are a little difficult, it's no wonder that my grades suffered thanks to it...Have you already eaten breakfast? I am hungry." I felt his breath against my ear as the elder had leaned down a bit.
"No we didn't because no one expected you to come here. How do you even know where we live? We used to live with Seungmins parents when I saw you the last time" Woojin asked, his hands caressing Chans soft brown hair a bit.

"Jeongin told me." My eyes widened a bit. Did that little brat really just-
"Oh that explains everything. Give me a minute to wake up my boyfriend, you can go in the kitchen already. Seungmin go wake up Jeongin, that kid must be still sleeping." I felt the grip on my shoulder tighten as my cousin mentioned the young boy.
"Could you please let go of my shoulder?" I muttered quietly. The elder let out a sigh and followed my request. I didn't hesitate and went into my room, shaking the boy that peacefully slept on my bed.

"It's way too early Seungmin..Why did you have to wake me up now?" The younger pouted. I chuckled lightly and dragged him off of the bed.
"Well that's your own fault Jeongin. Hyunjin is here." I grabbed the youngers wrist and pulled him with me towards the kitchen.
"Hey Hyunjin.." The younger muttered awkwardly as he saw the handsome male sitting there in the kitchen.
"Good morning." He said quietly. I sighed and sat down next to Hyunjin.


"I hope that you know that I really have hold back the urge to beat your shitty bully ass up?" Chan asked with a dangerously calm voice.
"I know. I'm fully aware of that" Hyunjin answered with the same dangerous calmness in his voice.
"Don't fight here, please" I bit my lips and looked at both males with a begging expression on my face.
"...ugh fine but he deserves it after everything he did" Chan looked quite angry, calming down as Woojin put one arm around his neck.

"I should go home, thank you for letting me stay over night..." Jeongin smiled a bit as he pulled me in a short hug.
"Sorry Seungminnie it's the best if I leave you two alone, you should talk things out, there are a lot misunderstood things between you which should be clarified" The younger whispered quietly that only I could understand him. I pat his back a little bit.
"Come I'll drive you home Jeongin. You two can use the living room for studying and Chan...you better go back to sleep you need to rest darling" Woojin smiled a little bit and pecked his boyfriend on the cheek, standing up a moment later.


A while later I sat in the living room with Hyunjin, explaining worksheets again.
"Hyunjin..um...why did you come after everything that happened?" I asked quietly.
"There is this certain fox-like brat that uses not so fair weapons against me" He answered calmly.
"A-And why did you push me away when I tried to calm you down?" I bit my lips, afraid of his answer.
"...the hug was to calm me down?" He asked quietly. I nodded quickly and nervously nibbled on my bottom lip.

"I thought you did that to provoke me.." The elder muttered quietly.
"Why should I want to provoke you Hyunjin?" I asked carefully.
"Because you already ruined me so many times" He grabbed my chin and leaned a bit closer, staring into my eyes as if he was searching for guilt in them.
"I don't want to hurt you Hyunjin...I don't know what I have done but I didn't do it on purpose. I could never want to hurt you" I felt how my eyes got watery, squeezing them shut quickly.

"Now you're crying again?" I heard how he sighed, wincing as I felt his arms wrap themselves around my shaking body.
"Don't cry you look even uglier when you cry" I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, nestling a little bit closer towards the raven haired male. I felt safe again as the elder rested his chin on my shoulder, one of his hands caressing my back a bit.
"I'm sorry Seungmin...I'm sorry" He whispered quietly, his voice shaking a bit.
"It's okay Hyunjin..Everything will be alright..." I felt how something wet came in touch with my bare shoulder, opening my eyes to find out what was going on.

I was a bit shocked as I realized that the oh so mean bully actually cried into my shoulder like a lost child that couldn't find his parents at a shopping mall.
"If I shouldn't cry then you shouldn't cry too" I whispered quietly, feeling his grip around me tighten a bit.
"A-As if I would listen to you" Hyunjin muttered quietly and let a soft sob escape his lips.
"Then let it out and cry, I'm here for you...I wonder what your oh so amazing bully friends would say if they saw you like this, crying into the shoulder of the schools most hated outsider" I laughed dryly, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders.
"Oh just shut up and let me cry..." He whispered, still crying quietly.


"Should we continue the tutoring or do you prefer crying into my shoulder like a lost child?" I asked after probably an entire hour passed. We somehow ended up on the couch, him crying into my shoulder for the whole time.
"...I choose the tutoring" He answered and let go of me, drying his tears with the sleeves of his sweatshirt. I chuckled a little bit and took the worksheet that I had started to explain earlier.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone about what happened in the last hour Hyunjin..Just pretend it never happened" I smiled sadly before continuing to explain the worksheet.

He understood the worksheets just as fast as usual, working hard to solve them as fast as possible. I smiled a bit as I watched him solve worksheet by worksheet, looking over them for mistakes. He did less mistakes than he did at the beginning, making me feel proud as my tutoring showed its success once more. If we continued like this, the tutoring might not be necessary anymore really soon.
"Hyunjin you should take a break and eat something" I smiled a bit as he looked up from his worksheet, nodding in agreement. I grabbed the elders hand and dragged him into the kitchen, letting go of him before Chan, who was making Kimchi, would notice.


[A/N] So where's my confusion squad at?
Well this wasn't the end there will be another evil plot twist really soon.
I hope you enjoyed this more fluffy chapter haha~
Have you seen what's going on with Hyunjin? I hope those stupid haters will shut the fuck up and leave our beautiful prince alone! He was sad on Woojins birthday thanks to them, I won't forgive them so easily!
Well then see you soon~
Mirin out☆

The Bully and the Outsider | h.hj + k.sm | [SeungJin]Where stories live. Discover now