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[Kim Seungmin]

Jeonginnie help me

What is it today?

I question my entire life atm
Hyunjin kissed my forehead
I thought he hated me
But I think he might hate
me now if he didn't before
Bc I pecked his cheek

Jeongin.exe stopped working
My sweet little Seungjin heart
It can die in peace

oh sry caps-

Seungmin everything is fine
He likes you too


He wouldn't have kissed you
if he didn't like you
I know him well enough


I sighed quietly and put my phone away, walking into Woojin and Chans room. They sat on their bed, cuddling against each other.
"Woojinnie, Chanie, I-I think I am going crazy, H-Hyunjin kissed my forehead" I went to the couple with still light red cheeks, sitting down next to my cousin.
"You're not going crazy don't worry. I saw what the two of you did" Chan smirked and poked my cheek with one finger.

"I saw everything from him crying into your shoulder like a child, you two holding hands when you went into the kitchen, him backhugging you while you made pudding for him, you feeding the pudding to him, you two cuddling while the tutoring and in the end the kiss on the cheek and the one on the forhead. You shouldn't have pushed him outside Honey" Chan chuckled and ruffled my red hair a bit.

"Shall we re-dye your hair and choose some nice clothes for you that you can impress your little crush a bit?~" Woojin teased, poking my other cheek.
"I-I need to re-dye it because of tuesday but isn't it a bit too much to...try to impress him?" I felt my cheeks getting warmer at the thought of the raven haired.
"How about we go shopping together? You still don't have clothes for tuesday right?" I nodded and grinned a bit.

"How about we ask Chanies old roommate if he can do your make-up? Minho is amazing, he will make you look gorgeous Seungmin! It's been a while since we saw him the last time, it would be a great opportunity for Chanie to see him again" Woojin smiled, clinging onto Chans arm.
"I wonder if that gay shit still has no boyfriend so it'd be indeed great to see him again. I missed that brat so please say yes Seungmin it will be a win-win situation for both of us" The brunette begged. I couldn't say no to his big puppy eyes, feeling sorta defeated.


"Seungminnie, this is Minho" Chan grinned widely, one of his hands resting on the shoulder of a really beautiful blonde boy. He wasn't as beautiful as Hyunjin but still surprisingly pretty.
"You're the kid that Chan adopted? Nice to meet you." The elder smiled and ruffled my hair a bit.
"U-Uh yeah..I'm the one that was adopted by Chan" I smiled a little bit.
"So Chan dragged me here to help you with the choice of clothes and especially to help you with your make-up, right?" I nodded with a questioning expression.

"Well then shall we go shopping? We could pay a visit to Chans great emo friend, he works as a hairdresser and is quite talented at dyeing hair. You're about to dye your hair again right? Changbin could be a great help for you" The blonde chuckled and fixed my hair that he had ruined just a moment ago.
"Still single, Minho?" Chan asked teasingly. The blonde pouted and nodded, crossing his arms infront of his chest.

"You know that I'm waiting for the right person to come into my life you idiot. I may be a pretty gay person that flirts a lot but I just haven't met the right person yet. I still wait for a cutie to enter my life and mess around with my heart" The elder laughed a bit, his voice sounding frustrated. I felt a bit sorry for the pretty blonde.
"Would you mind if your boyfriend was a few years younger than you?" I asked carefully. The blonde shook his head in surprise.
"I wouldn't mind as long as he would be older than you so why do you ask?"

"I think I know someone who would be perfect for you. Nobody ever talks to him because he is like on a completely different level than others but he seems like a nice person. Beside the annoying aussie and me he's the only one that never interacts with the bullies..oh and he's cute. He may act like a diva but he's really really cute. And pretty. He's perfect at everything he does even if he lacks at a few subjects. I bet you would fall for him in no time" I grinned widely.

"Get me his number, in exchange I'll do your make-up every day for a week" I gasped in shock, his reaction was truly surprising. Did he really plan to make the child prodigy diva fall for him?
"Uh..Deal?" I shook his hand quickly. Ok so I had to get the divas number... Challenge accepted.
"So lets go. I hope your 'Appa's wallet is ready for our shopping tour?" He chuckled, earning an frustrated groan from Chan.
"And I hope Woojinnie doesn't get jealous" I giggled a bit at the thought that my cousin was forced to stay at home.


Chans poor wallet had indeed suffered, but well it was his own fault for adopting me. It was a funny time to go shopping with Minho in the brightness of Seouls lights in the night. Hopefully Woojin wouldn't be mad at Chan, who had decided that Woojin should stay at home, as he already worked a few hours at the café he had a part-time job at, today. Chans emo friend actually was an adorable, small bean who had an incredible talent as a hairdresser. He had refreshened the strong colour of my hair perfectly, making it shine really brightly just like when I first had dyed it red. Minho had gotten me a lot of amazing clothes where even Chan said that they fit me perfectly.

"Woojinnie we're back" Chan shouted. He went into his and Woojins room, letting out a soft laugh at the sight of my cousin. I went to him and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the silver haired male that was sleeping on the ground, he probably fell off of their bed because he couldn't cuddle with Chan.
"Come on be a prince charming and pick him up Chan" Minho teased from behind us. We had decided that Minho would stay at our place so the blonde didn't go home and came to our place after the late night shopping tour.


Sunday was over really soon too as Minho used the whole day testing out different looks and make up combinations on me. It was a bit stressing but what do they say, who wants to be pretty has to suffer first? At least the results were good so the hours of letting the elder play around with make-up and the clothes we bought yesterday were worth it. Minho was really kind, he would be the perfect man to tame the diva.

"Minho do you think my crush will notice me if I wear make-up?" I asked hopefully.
"I'm sure that he will notice you. Chan already mentioned that he kissed you on the forehead so that's a good sign. Go get your man tomorrow, you're doing fine sweetie! Just don't forget to get me the cuties number~" He winked, errupting into a big laughter afterwards.
"Oh my jae that was so cringey Minho don't say that again!" I laughed with the blonde, not being able to calm down from all the laughing.


[A/N] Well here you have the update.
Your author-nim feels a bit down at the moment but I actually had fun writing this so it's a bit better than before :)
You can be proud if you know who the diva is tho xD
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the fun will begin with the next chapter huehuehue *smirks evilly*
Mirin out☆

The Bully and the Outsider | h.hj + k.sm | [SeungJin]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt