T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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I stir the bowl of soup mindlessly, my brain filled with thoughts. But what I couldn't ignore was the restless mind of mine.

Why am I so nervous?

Why am I thinking so much?

The uncomfortable feeling was availing from the moment Zero uttered that words.


"Y/N,If I say more words like these, will I be able to make you fall for me?"

His big doed eyes reflected a sense of youth at the moonlight. The stare he gave was something that I would never be able to forget about. It was so sincere, innocent and loving.I awkwardly clear my throat at the silence invading among us.

Is this an indirect confession towards me?

"W-What do you mean?"I manage to ask between the warmness slowly forming on my cheeks. He scratches the back of his nape like a child, making me feel the urge to squish his cute cheeks.

"Actually I-I like this noona and she's kinda like you. So I was j-just trying to plan what makes her heart flutter"he answers and I feel my breathing hitched.

Geez what was I thinking?

Ignoring the sudden empty feeling inside me, I sincerely smile.

"Really!? Do I know her?"I ask energetic, curious. He shyly smiles and lowers his head, blushing.

"Maybe, I don't even k-know her code name. But she resembles y-you a lot. She is a S class operative as far as I know and she's really kind and humble."

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