Chapter 40: Shrilling Scream

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Just a year ago, things were so different.


"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!" Ryder sang, bobbing his head.

"So tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" Solan sang back to him, both making me laugh.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends!" They sang together at the top of their lungs, and Axel and I couldn't stop laughing. Daniel, on the other hand, had his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

The song ended, and Daniel picked up his head, relieved his agony had come to an end. Solan played it again, and Ryder and Solan's singing resumed, resulting in Daniel relinquishing a loud groan.

"No more!" Daniel shouted, and I smiled, finding Daniel's annoyance to be humorous. I glanced at him through my rearview mirror, seeing his glare toward Solan. A smug Solan blew a kiss at him, and Daniel smiled as he turned to look out the window. "Please, last time." 

Solan changed the song, much to Daniel's relief, and played a song with more bass. Daniel bobbed his head as I drove to the pizza parlor. We had left for lunch and decided to get pizza. We got off the car, and Axel and Daniel struggled to get out of my back seat.

Damien, Bennett, and Max got out of Damien's car and approached us with a very happy Damien smiling as he put his arm around my shoulder. Being in front of Axel and his friends, I felt a little anxious with the physical touch. Damien seemed happy with my proximity, but I wanted to step away to ease my anxiety. Instead, I took a deep breath.

"Why didn't we go in your car, Ax?" Daniel grumbled.

"Solon wanted to go in Mae's car, and you wanted to go with Solan, so it was pointless driving by myself." Axel signed.

"I'm sure Damien wouldn't have minded you going with him." I signed, looking at Damien for his agreement. Damien looked at everyone multiple times, wondering why everyone's attention was on him.

"W-what?" Damien stuttered, raising his eyebrows, and jutting his head forward. "Huh? What happened?" I smiled. My goodness, he was adorable.

"C'mon," Ryder said, putting his arm around Daniel's shoulders, dragging him inside. Solan and Bennett shouted after them, running to catch up. I walked forward, subtly removing myself from Damien.

"Hey, I appreciate your honesty the other day. I can tell trust isn't easy for you, but I just wanted to tell you that I appreciated it." Axel signed.

"I should have told you before when you were opening up to me." I looked forward. His strong eye contact was intimidating. "Billy's a good judge of character, so if he trusts you, I should too."  

"He is. I'm starting to see that."

We walked in, and Damien wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and although this act made me happy, I wasn't used to the PDA, so it made me a bit uncomfortable.

He kissed my cheek, but all I could think about was if anyone in this crowded pizza parlor was staring. I plastered a smile on my face as I leaned away from his kiss. I wasn't sure if he had noticed, but I couldn't worry about that now. 

While we stood in line, all I was worried about was when he tried kissing my cheek, tried holding me tighter, or resting his head on top of mine, I had to keep dodging all of his acts of affection because I was so absorbed with the thought of what people were thinking. I tried walking ahead, but he stayed with his arms around me. 

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