Family and engagements

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Catrinas POV
After breakfast I told Vincent that I wanna visit my family at the village.He insisted on coming with me and that was weird for me because he's usually kind of not nice but he's acting different.We go to the village.We arrive at my old house and I see Vannesa is there.I get my old key out of my purse and I open the door and see my parents in the living room."Mom dad"I smile while giving them both a hug."Mija I'm so glad you came and we missed you so much"my mom says.My dad pulls me into another hug"No mi niña is he treating you right and if he isint le puedo meter in madraso aqui aorita"me and my mom laugh at his comment."Yeah he is treating me right and I love and miss the both of you"I tell them.I noticed Vincent standing in the living room awkwardly."Mom Dad this is Vincent,Vincent this is my mom and my dad"I say."It's nice to meet you mijo my name is Maria"my mom says while giving him a kiss on the cheek and a pulling him into a hug."It's nice to meet you im Valentino"my dad says while shaking hands with Vincent."Well now where is Gustavo"I ask them."He's in his room"my mom says.I go upstairs and open Gustavos door only to see him and Vannesa kissing.I stare at them with wide eyes"Ewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!"I scream on top of my lungs.They both seperate and look at me with wide eyes and then I hear my mom and dad and Vincent running to the room."What happened"my dad asks me."They we...were....ewww"i say."Mija use proper words"my mom says."I just saw my best friend and my brother making out eewwww I will never get that image out of my freaking head when did y'all got together"I say."We were gonna tell you"Vannesa says."The reason we didint tell you is because we knew you were gonna react like this"Gustavo says."Y'all are calling me dramatic"I say while gasping and holding my heart."No he is in not I was i swear I was gonna tell you because you know how I hate keeping things from you"Vannesa says."Www like I don't mind both of you being together but walking in on you that's a big no no"I say while going out of the room and going into mine."so this is ure room"I heard Vincent say."Yep"i tell him while looking around.I heard the door close and getting locked I turn around and see it was Vincent."What are you doing"i ask him."I want to ask you something"he says while sitting on my bed.I sit next to him"What?"I tell him."Do you think I'm a horrible and unrisponsible person"he says."Ummm....."I honestly didint know how to answer that."Do you wanna marry me"he asks."I don't know"I tell him."Look if you don't it's ok honestly"he tells me."I wanna help you and I honestly would like to marry you even though you seemed like a cocky guy when I first met you but I know there is an amazing guy inside of you and I know you wanna make you're parents proud"I tell him."You know...I don't know how can a beautiful girl can stand me"he says making me blush."We should get to know each other better"i tell him.He nods.He gets a small box out of his pocket and bends in one knee.I laugh at this."I don't really have a speech but umm...You are a very beautiful girl who can stand me and I would do anything in my power to make you happy so would you marry me?"he says.I nod"ofcourse"I smile at him.Hw puts the ring on my finger.We both laugh.Honestly he isint that bad and there is a part of me that is growing feeling for me.

Honestly he isint that bad and there is a part of me that is growing feeling for me

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