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Cody Simpson.

Tonight was one of those nights where I slept for the full night and nothing woke me up. No feeling of loneliness or sounds around me provoked me. I slept completely, maybe even nicely. The sensational feeling of my covers felt just right laying across my bare skin, my hand spread out across my spare pillow next to me.

And then my mom ruined it.

"Cody!" She screamed, opening the door, causing it to slam against the wall. A small grunt escaped my lips; opening my eyes felt impossible at this moment. "What did I tell you?" She whined.

"What about this time?" I said, my voice croaking from the lack of speaking I've done in the past ten hours. She sighed, leaning against the wall. Even from across the room, I can feel her stare burning against my back.

"We ask you to keep the place clean. It's practically a tip downstairs!" She screamed. "I came downstairs this morning to find your cups and your bowls on the side, your leftover blanket on the couch. Could you even be bothered putting your pots in the dishwasher?"

I turned over, the sunlight practically blinding me. "Your idea of a tip is a couple of crumbs on the floor. Chill out."

"No, I will not chill out!" She yelled, the fury showing clear in her eyes. "You never do anything I tell you!"

"What do you expect, mom?" I asked, forcing myself to sit up. "You have grounded me, I'm practically housebound. Obviously I'm gonna watch TV and sit in the main room. I was too tired to clean it up last night, my bad."

"Don't dare talk to me about being grounded. I know that you sneak over to see Bella, I'm not an idiot." She scoffs, catching me slightly by surprise. "I expect more of you, Cody. You could at least help around the house."

"Sorry." I sighed, leaning against the back of my bed and crossing my legs. "If I help around the house.. Will you un-ground me?"

"No." She snorted, now moving towards the door. "But I will consider moving your grounding time down."

"Really?" A feeling of surprise hit me when she nodded, then shut the door. I was almost shocked that she said something as nice as she just did, even if it wasn't un-grounding me. On another note, she didn't say anything about me sneaking out to see Bella. In a way, I'm surprised she knows.

I pull the cover off myself, my bare feet making contact with the cold, wooden floor. My stomach instantly craving breakfast, so I re-opened my door and ran down the stairs, meeting my mom again in the kitchen.

"Pancakes?" She asks me as she mixes the ingredients in the bowl. I nod, pulling out the stool as I sit in front of her. "Your dad left early this morning."

I shrugged my shoulders, not even bothering to ask where he is since I really didn't care. He always disappears all day and then pops through the door the following night, sometimes even the next morning.

"How come you're not mad?" I decided to bring up the subject again, hoping she doesn't get too angry about it all. "About Bella. You know, how come you're not shouting at me right now?"

My mom sighed, pulling out the stool in front of her whilst she continues to stir the mix inside the bowl. "I would rather you go see the girl you have a crush on, rather than what you used to do." Her words sounded so confident, they almost knocked my confidence down a level.

"You mean-"

"There's no need to repeat it." She suddenly interrupted me, her eyes trailing down towards the counter. "It's over now. You're a better person, Cody."

Damaged || Cody SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now