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I toss and turn in my bed, my eyelids undecided on weather they want to be open or closed. My body doesn't want to fall asleep, mainly because I have a lot on my mind. This doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, it always seems to be at 3'ocklock in the morning when I need to be sleeping.

I finally gave up, a loud grunt escaping my lips as I throw my bed cover off me and stand on my cold, wooden floor. I didn't know what I would do at 3am, but anything is better than laying in bed on this extremely early Sunday morning.

I decide to go sit on my balcony, maybe the cold air will hit me and make me feel tired so then maybe I can fall asleep, just maybe. I fumble for they key on the side before inserting it in the lock and dragging the door open, sitting on the first chair I see.

"Morning, Bella." Codys voice pierces my ears and I throw my head up to meet him sat on the bench by his back wall, the only difference is that his legs are spread out across the whole bench and he has a book in between his knees. He chuckles. "Can't sleep, either?"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one." I smile in response. Cody shuts his book and places it on the little wooden table by his bench. "Why can't you sleep?" I ask.

He sighs, loudly as he takes his legs off the bench and places them on the floor so he's sitting up, properly. "Does that matter?" He asks, a hint of a smile showing on his lips. I shrug my shoulders before biting my lip, softly.

"Just trying to make conversation." I laugh.

Codys eyes squint as he looks at me with curiosity. "Come on a walk with me." He almost demands, because his tone definitely did not sound like he was trying to make it a question.

"It's 3am?" I respond, almost laughing. Cody rolls his eyes as he looks towards the ground. "Are you being serious?"

"Well I'm not being sarcastic." He chuckles as he walks towards the gate of the balcony, so I decide to do the same.

"But, I'm in my pyjamas." I respond as I look down at my shorts and laugh. "I mean, I could always get changed I guess."

"That's better." He smiles, amusement clear in his tone. "Okay, I'll meet you outside in ten minutes. No later." Then he was gone, almost as if he wasn't even there in the first place.

The cold air hits me as I carefully sneak out of the front door where Cody was waiting by my front gate. I'm dressed completely now, and so is Cody and as always, he looks flawless. He's wearing his usual black skinny jeans, but this time with a plain white shirt and a denim jacket.

"I need a cigarette." He mutters as we walk around the corner. I stay silent, watching him as he takes one out of the packet and places it in between his lips before bringing it to life with his dark blue lighter. "How is Bella today?" He asks as he blows a puff of smoke from the back of his throat.

"Fine." I answer, quietly, trying not to smell the smoke from his cigarette. I had a weary feeling about being out this late, like my mom was going to wake up and I wasn't going to be there and she was going to worry.

"Just fine?" He says, "talk to me, what's on your mind, Bella?" He asks me as we turn onto a different street. We don't even know where we're going, we're just walking, when technically we should be sleeping.

"I think my parents think we're dating." I laugh, changing the mood completely. Cody lifts his head up, his lips shaping into a smirk as he takes the cigarette from his lips and blows smoke through them, perched together.

"Why don't people understand these days that two people can be friends without being attracted to each other in that kind of way." He answers back, shoving his spare hand in his pocket.

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