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"Bella." My mom grabs my arm and pulls me back the second I was about to leave to meet Cody and for a second, I felt a flash of guilt run through my spine when I realised what I was actually about to do, and I thought my mom had figured it out, but she only smiled as she took my coat off the bannister. "That storm is heading for Gold Coast. Be safe." I take the coat out of her hands and smile.

"I will, bye." I finally say before stepping outside and closing the door behind me. Cody was leaned against my gate, like he said he would be with a smug smile planted on his lips.

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts.." He starts, but I only shake my head. "Good. Come on." And then he grabs my hand and begins to walk quickly down the street.

"So, how was your night?" He asks, trying to make general conversation, but he's still walking quickly, almost as if he's in a rush to get there. Also, he's still holding my hand, but I don't pull it away because I like the way our hands connect together as one.

"Quiet. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at like six." I laugh as we turn the corner away from our street. "What about you, how was yours?"

"I love your accuracy, like you 'think' you fell asleep. You either fell asleep or you didn't." He chuckles. "But mine was okay, I think me and my mom have gone like two nights without fighting."

"You guys will be fighting again when she finds out you've ditched." I answer back without thinking about it, and he begins to laugh.

"Probably." He replies as he puts his spare hand in his pocket. We go silent for a while as he continues to walk down the street. "I'm proud of you for ditching, by the way." He suddenly says again. "Little Bella who does everything she's told has finally done something rebellious."

"I know, it's quite scary actually." I laugh under my breath. "I'm just scared in case my parents find out, they'll probably be disappointed in me and that's worse than being angry."

"They wont find out, and if they do it'll be fine. Calm down." And then I began to get curious as to where we were going, but I decided not to ask since we were coming closer to what looked like a huge building.

"Have you ever been here before?" He asked again as we entered through the doors of a huge building, and the first thing I saw was a train track out the back of it, so I simply shake my head. "Really?" He asks, curiously.

"I've drove past it, but you know, it's not everyday somebody sees an abandoned train station and decides to go look inside." I answer in return and Cody begins to laugh. "What made you want to come here?"

"Don't you see it?" He asks as he walks further into the place, spreading his arms wide as he takes in the surroundings. "Nobody comes here, Bella. That's the beautiful thing about it."

I begin to laugh as I follow him inside, slowly. "Come on." He says as he takes my hand and he leads me to the stairs where he pulls me to the top of them. I watch him as he kicks open a door and soon enough, we were on the roof at the top of the building. "I love it up here." He smiles as I walk towards the edge. The first thing you see is the cars driving by, one after the other.

I turn back to Cody who noticed my gesture and is now looking towards me. His hands are deep in his pockets as he continues to look at me with a plain expression on his face. "You're not like most guys." I say to him.

"I know." He responds as he looks over the edge. "I've never been like most guys. Most guys these days just enjoy sleeping around with a bunch of other girls. So I'd rather not be like most guys." He smiles at his response.

"If that's your definition of most guys, then I guess my friends aren't like most guys either." I answer, Cody then turns to face me, the smile fading from his lips.

Damaged || Cody SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now