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Moment POV:

The sun began to shine behind the few trees that swayed with the wind in the distance. Our car traveled to it's dying point as the gas no longer fulfilled our needs.

"Well, I guess we'll be walking from here on out." Harry says as he slams his car door shut.

"What do you mean walking? Were in the middle of nowhere."

"Yeah, and how do you think I can fix that? god, sometimes you drive me crazy." It's been two days since the fire and Harry and I are nowhere near the fiery feeling we felt for each other. If anything, I despised him at the moment. He was driving me crazy and I was driving him mad.

"Were gonna die out here." I murmur, walking along the dirt path.

"Better than that son of a bitch, Evan killing us." Harry states, walking alongside of me.

"It's so fucking cold out here!"

"Thanks for sharing. Now can we care about something else than your shitty little problem?"

"I need a break."

"Dammit Moment! We've been walking for 5 minutes and you already need to rest?"

"No. I NEED a break from you and your bitchy attitude." I yell, walking away from him and sitting in the middle of the road.

"Fine. I'll leave. But I sure as hell am not coming back to get you."


"Fine." His voice yells, walking past me and out in front of me. Without going another 12 feet forward, he stops and walks towards my spot in the road.

"Get up. We are going." He demands, standing beside me.

"I already told you I need to get away from you. Leave."

"Moment, get up now, or else."

"Or else what?" I say, laughing sarcastically at him. "You know you don't own me, right?"

"That's it. You asked for it." Without another second wasted, Harry picks me up off the ground and throws me on his shoulders, making me laugh.

"Let me go!" I scream, kicking my legs and moving my hands.

"NEVER!" Harry yells, running towards the empty distance. "You're stuck with me now, Moment." Placing me down on the ground, I try to get away, but he quickly pulls me back as he pins me to the floor.

"You think this will stop me?" I say, smirking up at him.

"There's no way you can get out."

"Watch me." Freeing my leg, I quickly kick him in the balls, shooting pain through him as I am released from his grasp. I quickly pin him down as I straddle his body.

Harry POV:

"Now it's my turn." Moment seductively breathes in my ear as her body gets closer to mine. My body grows limp as her pure beauty shines before me. Her grasp releases from me, but I remain still.

"Make me." I dare, licking my lips and smirking up at her. Her face dangerously gets closer to my lips as her legs move across mine, straddling my hips. Holding myself up with my elbows, her breath ghosts around my neck as her nose grazes mine. Her mouth nearly touching my lips. I scoot my head forward, hoping to feel her warm, tender lips against mine, but she moves her head back.

"Youre such a damn tease, Moment." I murmur, her mouth curving into a grin.

"Don't get too eager, Styles." Her voice seductively breathes against my hungry lips as my body grows more and more impatient for her kiss.

"That's it. You're in trouble now, love." Grabbing her tiny wrists, I swiftly move her body to the ground, pinning her down with my hands and moving on top of her. Me now straddling her.

"Oh please, please forgive me. I'll do anything!" She yells enthusiastically, laughing uncontrollably as she tries to wiggle from my grip.

"Okay, you'll do anything?" I say in return of her enthusiasm as she nods to my question, leaving both of us grinning.

"Yes, anything to get your sweaty body off of me!" She sarcastically states, still laughing from before.

"Take your clothes off." I smirk, rounding my turn to laugh as her giggles are put on halt by my inappropriate innuendos.

"Never in a million years. Nice try Styles."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to do it for you. It's your punishment for being such a fuc.king tease."

"I would like to see you try." She laughs, her words were sarcastic, but I couldn't help but think she actually wanted this and wanted my touch against hers. Moving my face towards hers, I lightly skim her lips before traveling to her ear.

"Discipline time." I mutter into her ear, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck, forcing out a small moan as I suck lightly against her porcelain skin. My kisses travel down her neck and to the top of her exposed chest as I am soon stopped by the irritating jumper. Eyeing the zipper located in the front of the sweatshirt, I take the zipper in between my teeth as I look up at her.

"You wouldn't dare." She warns, biting on her lower lip as she tries to hide her obvious eagerness.

My patience lessons as I slowly unwind the jumper with my teeth.

"Har. It's cold." She pleads as the top of her black bra is shown.

", Moment. You're absolutely beautiful. I whisper, releasing my teeth from the zipper and kissing the newly exposed skin. "How could no guys like you when you were in high school? I can't stop thinking about you." I say as I feel Moment's breathing escalate.

"You're the only one." Moment breathes, looking into my eyes. "You're the only one for me." She finishes her statement as her lips meet mine as I release her hands. Her arms wrap around my torso as she reaches for the hem of my shirt. I catch on to her eagerness as I pull the clothing off my chest, exposing my bare skin. Her hands quickly move to my abs as she runs her hands down my torso. My lips travel down to her chest as I unzip the rest of the jumper.

"So, so beautiful." I whisper as a small smile kisses Moment's lips. Moment brings her hands to my cheeks as she makes my features face her eyes.

"We can't do this here." Moment giggles as she looks at our half naked bodies.

"You're right. The car?" I say, kissing her lips once more.

"No." She giggles, moving a loose curl away from my face. "I mean we are not having sex here. In the middle of nowhere."

"Who said anything about sex?" I whisper, kissing her neck once again.

"I did, Har. And I know if we keep doing this I won't be able to stop myself." She admits as she pulls herself away from my grasp as she sits up. I follow her as I hold onto her hand.

"Me too." I say, smiling at her, gaining a grin from her in return. Minutes go by before we see a set of headlights travel towards our location.

"What should we do? Hide? She asks, quickly thowing her jumper back on.
"No, I'm tired of hiding." I state as the car pulls up in front of us. The headlights turn off as the car silences its engine. Moment and I await the future as the man travels out of the vehicle and towards us.

My Moment / / H.S.✔Where stories live. Discover now