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*Prepare yourselves, this chapter is about to get pretty intense*

Dedication: mendessauce mitatha

You can call me liar, cheater, loser. Takes one to know one. You can say I’m bitter, call me quitter. Takes one to know one… Yeah, it takes one to know one. And I know you!
~Amy Diamond, Takes One To Know One~

Harry POV:

"You can't see her anymore." Simon strongly advised towards me. Liam, Niall, Simon, and I have been shoved into a small, dark safe room until this son of a bitch was caught. Louis was still in the hospital, but he was safely guarded by security. Evan was screwing up everything and my hatred grew for him with each second I was in this damn room and not with Moment.

"I can do whatever the hell I want. You don't own me, Simon." I spoke smoothly, knowing that I was right. He couldn't stop me and he knew it.

"Bloody hell, Har! It's too dangerous. Your whole career is at stake." Simon continued to lecture me about the situation I was stuck in, but I could care less about what Simon thought. He may have saved my life, but he sure as hell wouldn't and couldn't control my actions and words.

"DAMMIT HARRY LISTEN!" Simon boldly yelled, his earsplitting words shaking the whole room. Looking behind Simon, I saw the sight of Niall and Liam, shaking with worry and fear. Simon was causing everyone in this damn room to worry way more than they bloody should. My temper began to boil as I clenched my teeth, making my jaw line known.

"Shut the hell up, Simon! God, Do you know that this situation has nothing to do with you?! There's a girl, a kind, innocent, beautiful girl out their, unprotected running for her bloody life from a man that wants to kidnap her for good. And you have the nerve to try and control what I do and say. Hell no. Simon this is not about you. Stop being so damn selfish!" I harshly spit, glaring at Simon as I ran my hands through my hair. A thick, metal table separated the two of us and I knew if that table was not placed where it was, Simon would be getting his ass beat by me.

"Harry, just listen to him. I don't want you to get hurt." Liam softly spoke from the corner of the undersized room.

"I don't want Moment to get hurt, Liam. You know I can't just sit on my ass in here and act like nothing is wrong, because hell, everything is bloody wrong." I again, ran my hands through my thick, brown curls in frustration as I tried to compose my anger.

"Liam..." I starting saying as I bent down and placed my arms on the table, meeting Liam's stare in the corner. "I care about her, Liam and if you truly have a heart, unlike this asshole.." I grit, pointing at Simon who remained across from me. "You will understand what I'm trying to tell you." Liam nodded slowly as I released my gaze from his, standing back up straight and pacing across the room. "I'm not going to stop, can't you see that? I'm not going to bloody stop, because I do have a heart. And I do have a soul." I screeched, aiming my gaze towards Simon. "You could hold me down, tie me up, beat me, break me...HELL, YOU COULD BEAT ME UP UNTIL I WAS LEFT FOR DEAD AND BREAK EVERY FUCKING BONE IN MY BODY AND I STILL WOULDNT FUCKING STOP!" Screaming out, I punched the nearest wall to me, letting out my built up frustration. "I WILL NOT STOP LOOKING FOR HER. I WON'T LIAM! I WONT SIMON!" I continued yelling, throwing my hands up in the air. My knuckles were raw as blood dripped from the scrapes, but I didn't care. I wouldn't care. No pain could take over the immense feelings I felt for Moment. No blade or bloody nightmare could stop me from escaping that hell and crashing my lips against hers. No man could push me away from her, because I fucking cared about her. Nothing could barricade me from her touch, because hell, I feared for her future. My mind tried bottling up all the emotions and tribulation, but dammit, those despondencies were too fucking hard to control. I knew what I perceived and I knew what I feared, but I also recognized my affections and what I adored. Yes, this girl could be screwing up my career and my future, but hell, no bloody future of mine could be entirely endured without her living in it. So, here I was, sober and entirely empty without Moment Rae.

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