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i wish the joy would infinity remain
stay in my heart and help me stray from being insane

his sparkling green eyes alone sent pure bliss through my veins
yet dark clouds of fear and pain still remains

was this torture ever to end?
or would my heart never truly mend.

HiS LoVe.

Harry POV:

The sun began to rise from the dark, weighted clouds. Lights of red and orange spread across the sky as the ground shines from it’s bright reflections. Moment lays her head against my shoulder as the two of us sit in the dirt and watch the sunrise together.

“Let’s stay like this forever.” I nonchalantly state, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

“I agree.” Moment smiles, pushing herself closer to me, entangling her hand into mine. Throwing my free arm around her small frame, I pull her body against mine as I try to keep her icy skin from the cold.

“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” Her voice gently says, rubbing her thumb against my hand.

“You know what?”

“What?” She questions quietly, looking up at me.

“This is not the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Fact, I’ve seen something far more alluring than this sunrise.”

“And what would that be?”

“You.” Her cheeks grow red as she bites down on her lip to hide her smile. Grinning at her shyness, she buries her face into my shoulder as she tries to hide the cheery color evident on her cheeks.

“That was so damn cliche, Styles.” She laughs, still concealing her bashful features.

“I go weak in the knees when I’m with you.” I grin, thinking of the most cliche thing to say.

“Oh my god, stop.” Her face still remains pink as she buries her face more into my arm, smiling and giggling at my words.

“I love you more than life itself.” I finally say, quoting the most cliche saying in the book.

“Harry?” She questions, revealing her face from my skin and looking into my eyes.

“Yeah?” I question, moving closer to those dangerous lips.

“Shut the hell up.” She laughs, breaking the heated moment and smiling as she leans into my chest. A smirk kisses my lips as I chuckle at her sarcasm. The two of us slowly grow quiet as the reality of today sets in with the sun rising to its highest point in the sky.

“Where to next?” She asks, gazing towards the open land.

“A motel. Or some place to stay for a little bit. You need to get some rest, love.” My words were quiet and gentle as she squeezed my hand for her response. Her head rested on my shoulder once again as her legs pulled up to her chest. My focus remained on the sunrise, but I could see tears start to form under Moment’s eyes. I knew she was scared. Hell, I was terrified too. For the future. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. I was nervous and frightened for what was yet to come. I was fearful for my life. Her life. Our lives. I was scared with each movement I made. I knew each hour I spent with her was each minute closer to danger. Danger for my soul and danger for my heart.

Was a girl worth risking your life for? A person you just met a couple of weeks ago? Was my life going in the right direction? Was I supposed to leave her? Stay with her? Was I supposed to just stay in my band and forget this ever happened? Inquires of the hundreds pick at my brain, yet my mind couldn't think of the answers. My questions were mysteries that I nor anyone else could solve. How could someone have such a big affect on me? On my heart? On my emotions? How could I save her when I knew very little about her?

My Moment / / H.S.✔Where stories live. Discover now