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Dedication: FinalProphetess ForgottenThoughts13

And I can't be running back and fourth forever between grief and high delight.
~J.D. Salinger~

Moment POV:

Do you know that feeling when you have had enough? Like everything that life could have thrown at you happened in a split second. That all the bad just came pouring into your soul and it eventually reaches your heart. Your organ that teaches you to love and to cherish begins to grow with sorrow and pain and you can't help but let that sadness take over your whole body. Well, this split second was Louis and his loss of memory. Niall felt the depression take over his heart. And his soul. And the rest of his body. Niall was hurt. His heart ached for Louis and he would give anything to switch places with him. I saw the sadness creep into his eyes. His blue, vibrant eyes were now sad and grey. The way he collapsed to the ground made me weep. And then came Liam.

Liam ran in and the nurse tells him the news on Louis. Never in my life have I seen someone look so mournful. His head drooped as his hands met his teary eyes. His head hung low as he walked slowly over to Louis' bedside, who was now sleeping.

"Lou? You know, no matter what happens here, you will forever be my best mate." Liam quietly murmured as his lip trembled.

I stood at the corner edge of the room as I watched the two break down physically and mentally. I couldn't imagine what they were going through. I cried and I only know Lou for a day. How could something so bad happen to a person so good? After minutes of nothing, but the sounds of sniffling and heavy breathing, I decided to let the two guys have their own time with their best friend. I didn't bother telling them I was going to go. They had too much going on as it is.

I walked out of the room and checked my phone to see if Bre has texted me since last night. With no answer from Bre, I called an uber and sat in the waiting room. Then all of a sudden, my phone began buzzing. Over and over again. I tried turning my phone back on, but I had too many notifications coming in.

"What the hell"? I whispered to myself as I kept trying to turn my phone back on. With no luck, I sat in silence until my uber came and picked me up.

I eventually arrived at my place and walked in and automatically headed to the couch.

"Bre?" I said loudly. She should be here

"Bre? Are you here?" With no answer, I began to search the apartment for Bre. Where could she be?"

With no luck, I took a sip of water and plopped on the couch. My eyes began to feel very droopy. Right when I was being casted away into my slumber, I hear a knock at the door.

"Oh my god! Could I get some sleep?" I screamed in frustration as I headed to the door.

The knocking got louder and the louder I got, the more irritated I was.

"IM COMING IM COMING!" I say as I open the door. In my surprise, a slim lady about 5 foot four stood at my door with a big smile on her face.

"I'm sorry.. You must have the wrong house." I said thinking the lady was looking for someone else.

"No, no, no, I am looking for you Moment Rae. Haven't you heard? You are what everyone has been talking about."

I looked at her startled. I didn't know how to react or what to say. What was she going on about? I'm nothing special. Just a young girl trying to find a place in this world.

"I...I'm sorry.. You have the wrong girl. My name is Moment, but whoever you're looking for sure as hell is not me." I managed to say to the chirpy woman.

"Moment, oh darling it's you who I'm looking for! You're all over the news! You are hard to find. How long have you been hiding from all the media? What's it like to live a secret life? How is the relationship? Is it hard to keep secret? How are you feeling right now? ...."

She began to ask more and more questions. I had no answer for any of them. I'm not hiding from anything. What is she talking about? She kept on talking as I stood there, speechless. Soon, several black SUV's parked in front of my apartment and many men/women came running up the stairs, towards my door. They carried cameras and microphones. They snapped pictures of me and they all began to speak at once. What is going on? I need to get out of here.

Without giving them any answers I slammed the door and ran to my room, locking my door and closing my curtains. I heard the constant knocking and all the questions roaming the air. I couldn't take it. What did I do? What is going on?

I searched for my phone and finally turned it back on. Thousands and thousands of notifications began to come in. People requesting to follow me on instagram and twitter. People sending me messages on social media saying 'congrats' or 'I hate you.' People, I didn't even know, posting pictures of me walking in the streets or going into the hospital.

The hospital.

The boys.


That is what all of this is about. I quickly logged off all of my social medias and texted Bre:

'Hey Bre please help me. Hundreds of people lined up at my house and I don't know how to get out. HELP HELP HELP!'

"Oh, please Bre answer..Please. I began to pack a bag full of stuff, because I could no longer stay in my apartment for the time being. I quickly grabbed everything nearest to me and stuffed it into a duffel. I called Bre several times, but it lead to voicemail.

"What am I going to do?!?!?" I have no car, no transportation. And no way of getting out of here." I yelled in frustration as I covered my ears with a pillow. I tried blocking out all the noise, but it was hopeless.

I heard my phone ring and I quickly answered it. I didn't care who this was, but I needed help. NOW.


All the love

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