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Harry POV

I could hear the mysterious breathing and so could Moment. We weren't alone and that scared the shit out of me. Our movements pick up the pace as we frantically crawl our way through the small vent. No words were exchanged as fear took ahold of our vocal cords.

The eerie silence made the situation worse and before I knew it, the bashing noise of someone moving extremely fast in the shaft was coming from behind us.

My heart was beating so hard, I thought it would explode at any second. Moment and I moved even quicker in the suffocating passage as the noises of yelling and laughing came from behind us.

"Evan is behind us." Moment shakily remarks, our legs pushing us forwards.

"Just keep moving. We're almost there." Breathlessly, I talk back to Moment, not knowing actually when this tunnel would end.

Endless, wicked, chuckling echoes through the duct as the words 'Moment' escape the sinful man's lips who was not far behind us.

"I can see his shadow. He's gonna take me away again." Moment cries out, fear clearly evident in her voice.

"Don't look back. Just keep moving." I try to reassure her but hell, I had no idea when this endless vent would actually end. My thoughts were answered as I saw the finishing point of this shaft. Reaching the dead end, I went to open the gate holding us in the space, but the door wouldn't budge.

I began to punch the gate to open, but it was no use. The damn shaft wouldnt open.

"He's close." Moment whispers, making me hit the opening harder and harder. Turning my body around, I began to kick the vent and it luckily opened up. Not wasting another second, the two of us escape the small shaft, hopping down onto the ground and making a run for the closest exit.

Pushing one door open, we face the icy cold air. Taking Moment's hand in mine, we sprint and soon I see my car. Moving towards the vehicle, relief washes over me as our dangerous run was at a close.

"Almost there." I say aloud, squeezing Moment's hand. Looking at her, I notice her hair as the red color flows past her shoulders. Her beautiful brown eyes focus forward as her lips stay in a straight line. She was so perfect. Her hair. Her eyes. Her body. And most importantly, her heart. Everything about her was flawless. She was better than any model and prettier than any movie star. Hell, we were running for our lives and she looked so fu.cking beautiful.

The thoughts of her took over my mind until the sight of orange flames and burning sensations carried over to my body. Feeling myself raise from the ground, my hand still remained locked in hers as my once dauntless car exploded into an oblivion. My vehicle's eruption caused the two of us to take flight; my body and her's fly through with the flames and soon darkness takes captive of my body.
Ringing. More ringing. And even more ringing fills my ears as my heavy eyes open to face a burning motel. Lifting my sore body up from the ground, I take a look at my surroundings. Fire surrounded the area as the once small motel was now nothing but ashes and flames. Those sons of bitches must of soaked the earth with gasoline for the flames to be this dangerous. My ears still continue to ring as all the sounds taking place around me are muffled.

My senses are blurry as reality starts to reach my brain once again. Moment. My hearing revisits my ears as the clear noises of burning and yelling take place.

"Moment!" I yell out, my voice extremely worn out and raspy. "Moment!" I scream out again, running towards the fire. I receive no reply as I frantically look for her. I couldn't lose her. I wouldn't lose her. "Moment!" I holler one last time, looking in every direction for her.

The loud sound of a car engine roars from behind me as the police vehicle pulls quickly up beside me. I prepare myself to fight whoever the hell was in this car, but as I looked in to see my component, Moment sat in the driver's seat.

"Get in." She yells, as I open the door and jump in. Moment rapidly pulls away from the disastrous scene. Speeding out of the dirt and onto the road, Moment focus' ahead as I stare in awe at her.

"What the hell is going on? How did you get this car?" Her lips curve into a smile as she slams on the brakes to slow down and turn right.

"Long story. No time. Are they still behind us?"

"Wh-" My inquiry is cut off as I look behind us to face five other police cars dashing towards us.

"Uhh. Yeah. We've got a whole lot of company." I say as she speeds up. The scenery around us is blurry as her pace continues to increase.

"Fu.cking hell." She breathes, turning a sharp right onto a dirt road. Her rapidity still wasn't enough as gun shots fire as our back glass window breaks. The heavy wind fills the car as Moment's red hair flows freely around her face. she was so sexy. Hell, I was about to die and all I can think about is her and how much I need to press my hungry lips on hers.

We take another sharp right; almost too sharp as half our wheels raise from the ground.

Still the cars follow our every move. We needed to do something quick or we were goners. Looking around for anything, I caught my stare on a tank of gasoline. Grabbing it and moving towards the back, I start to empty the deadly liquid from the broken glass. Shots continue to fire as I dodge the bullets.

Emptying out the rest of the gasoline, I went to reach for my lighter located in my pocket. Lighting it quickly, I threw the small fire into the substance as the whole object turned into flames. Yelling out, I cheer for Moment and I's victory as the cars no longer follow us.

Crawling back into the passenger seat, grins were evident on both of our faces as Moment pulled over on the side of the road.

"We didn't die." Moment says, turning to face my gaze.

"We just felt what it was like to truly fu.cking live." I smirk, meeting her glance. Our smiles never fade as our chests move rapidly up and down from the sudden adrenaline rush. "I need you." I finally state, moving my hand onto her thigh. "I need you right fu.cking now." I add, crushing my lips hungrily against hers.

She doesn't argue or restrict herself as her lips push into mine too. Our mouths move in sync as she lifts herself from her seat and onto my lap; Not once leaving my lips. My hands move to her hips as I grip her sides tight. Her palms move to my neck as she parts her lips, giving my tongue excess on the action. Her hands move up my neck and into my curls as she intertwines her fingers in my hair.

My lips leave hers as I kiss down her neck, forcing her head to fall back. Moving back up, I suck lightly behind her ear, causing a small moan to escape her lips. Her hands move to my cheeks as she pulls my face towards her as she forcefully presses her lips onto mine. She bites my bottom lip as she pulls it back slowly. Letting go, she presses her forehead against mine as our breathing hits each other's mouths.

"I need you, Styles. I need you too."

My Moment / / H.S.✔Where stories live. Discover now