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Dedication: zlhln_1d StylesClarityxx

"We all have a Monster within; the difference is in degree, not in kind."
~Douglas Preston~

Evan POV:

My fingers dig into the worn, leather wheel as I speed down the busy, highway roads. Lights of red and blue follow my every turn, but no worry or fear ran through my veins. For the gleaming colors that use to track me down and cuff me up were now finally on my side.

My throat hums to the sounds of ringing alarms as my lips curve into a grin. Rushing down the road, cars of every type speed out of my way, seeing my importance and my hurry to reach the one I truly and lustfully needed.

"Man, I am too good." I told myself, turning off the blaring noises, and ending my humming. Taking a sharp right, I pull into a deserted parking lot, turning off the engine and the lights. Unlocking my phone, I check the time and impatiently wait for my future guests. Seconds later, the vehicle I expected pulls right up next to mine.

"How do I look? Pretty fancy, right?" I state to him, getting out of the car.

"Wow, never knew what you would look like as a man in blue. How does it feel to have authority?"

"So damn good. Feels good to finally have some power. Alright, back to the plan. Did you finish what we started?" I knew as his face turned pale that what I wanted never happened. The devilish deed of death never occurred nor did the pain strike the man I hate most.

"The two of us went to the club, but we were both beaten. That asshole had a team with him! I had my gun aimed right at his face, Evan. I was fucking close."

"Well close don't mean shit. He's still alive and he's still breathing. We do not stop until he's dead. Got it?" My fury began to boil, but killing one of my top men would not help this situation.

"Got it. Will not happen again." His voice screeches with fear, showing his terror for me. He knew what would happen if he screwed up again. And i'm sure if he knew the trepidations that would occur if he failed again, he would not mess up twice.

"Good, now where's James. He's late."

"Nope, I'm right on time." Turning around, I could see James' figure appear from the fog and the rain that lightly fell from the sky.

"Always trying to make me look bad, huh?" He added, shoving his gun in his holster. "You know, I should be receiving a thank you. I'm the one who bloody tracked her down." James continued to brag about his intelligence, but I was not having any of it.

"Yeah and you would still be in jail if I didn't bust your ass out last year." Smirking up at him, I knew James' temper would rise. The two of us crave leadership and importance, but overall both of us wanted nothing more than to run the shots and orders of this gang.

"Well, I have even better news. Just for you Evan." James' lips curve into a grin as he walks slowly towards me.

"I don't want to hear about it. Did you do the job or not?" Ordering him to answer, his smirk never left his face as he leaned up against the side of my car.

"Oh, I did the job alright." His voice was smooth, pushing back his long hair and chuckling about whatever the hell he did recently.

"Okay, but your job was to bring her to me. So, where the hell is she, James?"

"She ran. She ran far from me." James began to laugh, looking up at the two of us. "but I did get something in return." James spoke mysteriously, a plastered grin remaining across his face.

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