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Dedication: collegelife_nina crazythinking_

The hospital room was as cold as dead skin, the hallway crowded with lost souls and reeking of illness.
~Raquel Cepeda~

Louis POV:

I looked at Harry to see if he still was sleeping. We were almost back to the hotel, but I didn't want to wake him. Harry was still in a deep sleep and he soon began to snore making me chuckle.

"Oh, Harry, Harry, Harry. You might of thought drinking was a good idea tonight, but tomorrow is gonna be hell for you." I said to myself as I began to laugh.

I turned on the radio and started listening to our new, upcoming album.. Made In The A.M. is my favorite album by far. We had so much freedom on it, since we were no longer signed to MODEST.

The last note of Drag Me Down played and my favorite song I wrote with Harry, Perfect began. I hummed along to the melody, but did not sing. I didn't want to wake Harry.

A huge semi was coming up on my right and his lights were way to bright. I squinted to see the semi, but it was useless. As the truck came closer and closer, I realized he was traveling in our lane coming right at us. I swerved into the ditch, hoping to dodge the massive vehicle. Luckily, I missed the semi and we were both unharmed.

"Whew, that was a close one." I breathed as my heart pounded rapidly.

I drive back onto the road and Harry begins to flicker his eyes.

"Hey, we are almost there Har! We will be there in 5."

Harry nodded as he laid his head back onto the window.

Soon, I could see the hotel lights on my right and I couldn't help but feel excited to be back!

I lifted my turn signal to go right and sharply turned. I felt a bump in the road and looked back to see what it was. Without seeing anything, I turn to focus back on the road, but all I could see was light. I heard a horn going off, but I couldn't act swift enough.

I swerved to my right hoping I could get over in time, but I was too late.

The last thing I remember is feeling the strong impact of the vehicle hitting my car.

Everything is now black and I cannot find my way back to life.

Harry POV:

"Baby, oh I am so happy you're okay. I have been worried sick!" I heard my mother say as she wrapped her arms around my sore body.

Her hug brought pain to my body as she squeezed me tight, but I didn't care. I was just happy to see a familiar face.

I have been sleeping, eating, and practically living in a small hospital room for I don't even know how long. When I first woke up, it didn't bother me to lay in bed all day, but because I was doing nothing, my mind began thinking. A hospital is a sad, depressing place. The white walls that surrounded me made me cry. I felt like I was just another hurt guy who had to lay in this bed, not knowing whether he would make it out alive. To think that a person died in this room, only seeing these four white walls to close out his life, made me sick to my stomach. No one should ever die like that.

"Thank you so much mum for seeing me. I really missed you."

My sympathetic words caused my mother to cry and she began to sob into my blanket on my bed.

"Oh, mum it's okay! I'm okay! Everything's okay!" I said softly as I gave her a small smile.

My mother looked up at me and wiped her eyes.

"Don't ever leave me again." She said as her eyes filled up with water.

"I won't ever leave you mum" I said truthfully as I gave her a small smile.

"I love you so much, Harry. Get some rest now, yeah? You need to sleep. See you in a couple hours." My mother said as she began to walk away.

"Wait, mum!" My mom stopped as she turned to face me. "How is Louis? I asked. Is he alright? I haven't heard anything about him."

"Oh, Harry. Maybe I should just tell you when you're feeling better."

"No, mum. I need to know how my bestfriend is." I said nervously as I began to feel knots in my stomach.

"Honey, you know.... My mother started to say as she traveled to my bed and sat next to me. "You know you were in a terrible, terrible accident. And that a drunk semi driver hit you very hard. He was going very, very fast. And....."

"Mum, just tell me." I interrupted as my eyes filled up with tears.

"Honey, Louis....Louis in a coma."


DUH DUH DUHHHHH. LEAVING YOU GUYS WITH ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER! What do you guys think will happen next? Will Louis wake up from his coma? Will Harry get out of the hospital soon? What is Moment going to do? How about Niall and Liam? What about their concerts coming up?

Let me know what you think in the comments! Also if you enjoyed this chapter please give it a like! Hope you all have a lovely day and a new update will be coming up soon!

All the love!❤❤

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