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Moment POV:

"Have you ever felt stuck?" I state, pulling into an empty parking lot.

"What do you mean?" Harry responds, looking compassionately up at me.

"Like..." I start to say, trying to think of how to word my sentence. "Like you're stuck in this life you didn't pick out. That you're not in charge of your choices or your life in general?"

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Harry responds flatly, jumping out of the parked car and hopping on the hood. Following his actions, I lay next to him on the front of the car as I look up at the night sky.

"What is it then? What makes you feel stuck?" Facing my gaze towards him, I watch his eyes dim as he glances down.

"You." He states, a lump growing in my throat. "This life is not what I wanted nor did I pick out or decide."

"I'm sorry." I whisper, looking back up at the brightly lit stars.

"But I like being stuck. Never in my life have I felt so alive. Not until I met you." His hand moves across mine as our fingers intertwine. "Moment, you make me not only face life, but live it." His free hand runs through his messy curls as I curl up next to him, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Thank you, Har." I breathe against his skin, placing a soft kiss against his shoulder.

"Anything for you, love." Harry replies back, kissing my forehead as my eyes grow weak.

4 hours later

Opening my eyes, I am placed in the passenger's seat as Harry keeps his focus on the road.

"How long was I asleep?" I raspily ask, sitting up.

"About four hours or so. Go back to sleep. I will wake you in the morning." Harry says, placing his hand on my thigh.

"It it the morning Har."

"Four in the morning might I add." He chuckles, looking at me.

"Well, it's the morning and I would way rather stay up with you." I say, turning my body to face his as I rest my legs on his lap. His lips curve into a smile as he looks over at me.

"Can I ask you a question?" His smile quickly fades as I nod my head.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"What did Evan do to you?" Harry's inquiry sent my mind to the darkest spots in my brain as memories of torture and sadness flood my senses.

"I would rather not talk about it." I choke out, tears dangerously building up.

"Moment. I need to know." His voice was gentle, but I could tell he was growing angry.

"What if I said, the things that happened were better left unsaid." I say fiddling my fingers together.

"I don't care." Harry states flatly as I move my legs off of him and face the window.

"Well, I do." I say, resting my head against the glass.

"Let me help you, Moment. I need to know who I'm dealing with. I'm here for you. So let me help you dammit!" His foot hit the gas as our speed accelerated. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks as memories of the past hit my body.

"You don't understand. It hurts so much, Har. Everytime his name is spoken, a little part of me dies. You don't want to know, trust me."

"Trust me, I do. I care for you and I won't leave you. Let me in. Let me into your life. You don't have to face these hurtful memories alone. Let me help you forget." Harry was irritated and I knew I was being stubborn, but I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to share my deepest secrets. I wasn't ready to expose myself to him. I wasn't ready to fall when I just gained back my stature.

"I use to love him." I quietly say, tears flowing down my cheeks. "How fucked up is that? I use to adore him." My heart begins to pound as pieces from my loving organ start to break. An awkward silence fills the car as Harry tries to think of the words to say. I knew he was just as confused as I once was.

"You loved him?" Harry whispers, avoiding my gaze.

"Yeah, I met him in college and dated him for a long time."

"Why?" Harry was angry and I couldn't blame him. How could I love a man who was so wicked and evil.

"I never thought a guy would like me. I went all my life never loving or being loved. My mom left my dad when I was three. My mom was clearly out of the picture and before I turned 19, my dad died from a car accident. I was alone and hurting. I needed desperately for someone to pick up the broken bones and bruises. I needed to forget and that's when Evan came around. That's all I can say right now." I say, barely making my words audible as my depression from history returns back to my conscience.

"I promise you that it will get better. You will have better days than this. I will help you." Harry says, trying to hold my hand, but I draw back from his touch.

"Yeah, that's what Evan promised too." I whisper as I shut my eyes to face the only darkness I enjoyed; sleep.

Becca POV

"How long have you known Moment?" The police question, shining a bright light against my face.

"For a long ass time. Does that answer
your question, sir?" I was tired of this shit. After I talked to the young officer, I opened up the mysterious note, only to find my deepest fear. Evan wearing a police uniform. I wasn't cooperating with any of these people. Who knew if they were fighting for the law of hiding from it.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Well, sitting in here doesn't help me answer that, does it?"

"Ma'am we need answers."

"So do I. So do me a favor and let me go look for her. This interrogation isn't helping either of us. Let me go."

"One more question."

"What is it?" I question, my anger growing with every second I sat in this small metal chair.

"Do you know this man?" The officer pointed towards the darkness behind him as a silhouette of a man crept closer and closer to the light.

My Moment / / H.S.✔Where stories live. Discover now