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Dedication: itschilltommo JesviHS

We all do things we desperately wish we could undo.
~Libba Bray~

Moment POV:

"What the hell are you doing here? You need to leave Evan. Now." I gulped as I took a step back from the door.

"Babe, I'm here for you." He said reaching for my hand. I again took a step back, but he insistently continued his last motion.

"Don't you see Moment? We can go back home. Together." He stated grabbing my arm.

"Evan, stay away from me." I yelped and withdrew my grip from his.

"You need help, Evan.. It's been 3 years." I quietly said, scared of his reaction.

His face grew red and I knew this could only end badly. He boldly took ahold of my two shoulders, grabbing me tight.

"MOMENT, YOU ARE SO DAMN SELFISH! I DROVE ALL THE WAY HERE AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME? COME WITH ME NOW!" He screamed as he moved his hands from my shoulders to my arms.

"No, Evan. I am never going to come with you." I say ripping myself out of his grip. The thought of him touching me again made my body shake and my fear began to grow as he tightly fisted his hands.

Anger began to fill his eyes and I thought I could see smoke come out of his ears. Then, as if he forgot all of what just happened, his eyes became dark. Mystery grew in his eyes as he seductively gave me a small smirk. He eyed my body up and down slowly and my face grew red as I remembered my lack of clothing.

These seconds felt like a lifetime as his gaze continued to look at me and quickly his actions changed. Changed back to his demonic, angry self. He pounded the floor with his feet and threw his hands up in the air, making me jump.

"Where is he?" He angrily says as he points to the long tee. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? CHEATING ON ME LIKE THAT?!?!?!" He yells even louder making my body jump.

"No one else is here, Evan." I lie as I take a couple steps away from him.

"Don't lie to me, Moment. I don't like it when you lie." He spits as he aggressively grabs both of my arms and pushes me against the wall, hard. My head begins to pound from the impact of the hard surface and I squirm to get away from his touch, but it was no use.

"Moment, I love you." He whispers softly as his face grows close to mine. He brushes his lips across my lips and places one of his strong, muscular hands on my neck.

"Do you know how long I have waited, Moment? To be able to touch you again?" I shake from his touch as his fingers trail across my cheek. I again try to break his grip, but he only holds me tighter.

"Please don't do this again." He says loudly as he smashes his cold, chapped lips against mine.

Instantly, I try to push him away, but my pale, skinny arms were no match for his strong, muscular biceps. His lips pushed harder into mine, leaving me hardly any room for air. I was pinned to this wall and I couldn't escape his grip. His lips soon moved from my lips and trailed down my neck and collarbone.

"Please stop." I say breathlessly. I felt absolutely helpless and the horrible memories of this vulnerable feeling soon came back to my conscience. I felt my arms begin to bruise as his fingers dug deeper into my skin.

"Moment, don't you like this? Don't you miss this?"

"Evan, I never did. You need to leave. You are hurting me." I say and his anger just continues to boil as he pushes his whole body up against mine, leaving me with barely any room to move.

My Moment / / H.S.✔Where stories live. Discover now