My Secret Lovers (AU One Direction vamps)

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I don't know what I'm gonna talk about. I've got a few things I guess.

1.The fact that I'm nineteen and never had my first kiss maybe.

2.Or maybe the bullying everywhere

3.Or the fact that I live by myself.

4. Or lastly that I'm a small thief. Ya know the normal stuff clothes,food,and my IPhone.

I'm a virgin too. And everyone makes fun of me for it. Nice right? I might as well tell my name and shit huh.

I'm Konner Leigh James. I'm 19. I've got black hair that reaches the bottom of my pockets on my jeans. I've got blue eyes. And I you could probably guess that I'm a cutter. I'm slowly sinking into a deep hole that I've recently climbed out of. I bet you think this is gonna be like some normal,I go to a concert and they pull me back stage,type of story right? Well, if your expecting that your shit out of luck. Oh and another thing about me is that I have a very,colorful,vocabulary. I'm not a normal teenager. I'm obsessed with,well what you would call myths. I love werewolves,vampires,and even witches. And I believe their out there somewhere.

Shit now you think I'm crazy. Well,nobody is really sane,but I'm the farthest you can get from sane probably. A cutting,scary,'Myth' believing,bitch. A.k.a Me. I'm proud of myself too. So if your interested in hearing my stupid love story. Keep reading. Guess I didn't say it was a love story. Well one thing about vampires is that they can share a mate. That I know for sure.

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