Chapter 25: Olivia's Funeral/Lizzie

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Miley's POV:

The foursome (what Nick and I call Lizzie, Adam, Destiny, and Nicky) and I make it to Olivia's funeral (well, the funeral home - we just planned on going to the home and mass and then home).  We greet the family, who I never really met before, as I again clarify, Olivia and I were not friends.

A woman, who I assume to be Olivia's mom (especially since Lizzie had called her grandma when she saw her), came up to us.  "Welcome to the funeral.  You must be Miley, Lizzie's stepmom."

"Yes, I'm Miley and it's very nice to meet you.  I'm sorry to hear the loss of your daughter.  I only met her a few times and she was a nice lady."

"Yes, she was.  I'm so happy you came.  And you brought Lizzie.  I haven't seen her in such a long time.  She grew so much."

"Yes, she does.  She looks so much like her mother, but she's gotten very close to me.  I gotta say, she's like my own daughter, or at least my sister."

"Awww, I'm so glad."  She gets teary-eyed.  "I'm so sorry.  Just she's looks so much like Olivia, it makes me miss her."

"Hey, it's alright.  You're allowed to be like this.  I would be this way if my own daughter died."

"Thank you.  I could see why Nick picked you.  You're so nice."

"Thank you.  Yeah, he's a great guy.  He's such a great dad and husband that I'm thankful to have him in my life."

"You're welcome, and that's so good to hear.  Speaking of children and stuff, are these your own children?"

"Yes, they are.  This is Adam, our two-year-old.  He's going to be three in May."  I put my hand on Adam, who's about to run off.  "This is Destiny, our one-year-old.  She's going to be two in July."  I point with my finger towards Destiny, who's very shy at this moment and staying right by my side.  And then with my remaining arm, I hoist Nicky up my hip.  "And finally, this little guy is Nick's namesake, who we call Nicky.  He's two months old, born around Christmas."

"Aww, they're adorable."

"Thank you."

"Now I'm assuming Lizzie gets along with her siblings, rather, half-siblings."

"Siblings is fine enough, but yes, she does.  She loves to play with them, especially Adam."

"That's great."

The mother walked away then and I managed to talk to a couple more of Lizzie and Olivia's family members before they allowed last moments with Olivia (i.e., prayers, etc.) before they put the coffin in the vehicle and have everyone leave for the church.

Lizzie and I are the only ones who are able to fit on the bench in front of the coffin.  Lizzie prays, and as she does, she cries, interrupting my own prayers, and I comfort her by rubbing her back and talking to her.  "You ok, baby?"

"I miss her so much already."

"Shhh, it's ok.  It'll be alright.  Your daddy and I are here for you."

"I know.  Thank you."

I have her stand up, and I hug her as she cries into me.  "Shhh, shh.  Do you want to go home then, baby girl?"

She nods.  "I want to go home.  Can we go home?"

"Sure.  We just have to tell your grandma first."

She stops crying, and follows me to her grandmother.

"Hey, I think we're going to get going.  I think Lizzie's feeling a little overwhelmed."

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