Chapter 10: Valentine's Day Part 2

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Nick's POV:

Just as they promised, Kevin and Danielle show up by 7:00.  I hold Adam in my arms as I answer the door and our nieces come running in.  I chuckle and greet my eldest brother and sister-in-law.  "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Nick.  Where's Miley?"

"Upstairs in our room.  She needs some rest."  I call Miley, who comes down in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

She smiles.  "Hey, guys."  She hugs Kevin and Danielle and looks around.  "Where's Alena and Valentina?"

They laugh and Danielle answers, "I think they went to go find your living room to go play."  She looks at Miley.  "Wow, you practically grew since we last saw you and look amazing somehow.  Even sweatpants and a tshirt."

Miley looks at her oddly and then chuckles.  "Um, thanks, Danielle.  She only grew a little bit."

"Past the morning sickness?"

"Of course.  It's the fourth month!"

"So what are your plans?"

"Nothing really.  Just chilling really.  And obviously babysitting.  Don't you need to go?"

Kevin cuts in, "Yeah, we need to go.  I know we would love to chat, especially Danielle, but we got reservations."


Kevin and Danielle say goodbye to us and pinch Adam's cheeks, which still has some baby fat to them.  They leave the house and I close the door.  "Alright, let's go see where the munchkins went."

She laughs.  "I agree."  She calls out Alena and Valentina as we walk to the living room.

We hear giggles from behind one of the couches.

She says loudly, "Looks like they are playing hide-and-go-seek.  And I know where they are now that I hear giggles, but I can't go to that spot.  Can you, Nick?"

I say loudly, "No, I can't."

The girls take that a cue to come out from the couch and attack me and Miley with hugs.  "Auntie Smiley, Uncle Nicky!"

Miley hugs them back.  "Hey, guys!"

Adam had woke up from his second nap (he had woke up from an afternoon nap before Kevin and Danielle came and I had got him from his nursery, but he fell asleep again when they came) and cried a bit.  "Mommy!"

Miley shhs him and takes him from me.  Then she turns to the girls.  "Be more careful, girls!  You woke up Adam!"

"Sorry, Auntie Smiley!"  The girls moved to look at her stomach.  "How's the baby?"

"It's ok.  Come on, we'll go play."  She and I sit down with the girls and she puts Adam on the floor.  "What do you girls want to do?"

Alena spoke up first.  "Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure."  She stands up, handing Adam back to me and goes through our movie selection.  "Ahh, how about a princess movie?"

"YESS, please!"  Alena was so excited.  She loves princesses.

"Alright."  Miley puts on Frozen, even though Kevin and Danielle might kill her for that.  They hear enough of "Let It Go" as it is.  About an hour and a half later, the movie finishes and Miley puts the DVD away.

Alena asks her, "Can you sing 'Let It Go?'"

Miley shakes her head.  "I can't sing those high notes.  My friend Demi can though.  In fact, she sang a version of the song and it was featured on the soundtrack."

"Please, oh, please, try to."

They got her.  "Alright.  I'll do my best.  Those notes aren't exactly in my range.   I think Uncle Nicky can do it better."  She sings the chorus.

"Haha, you're right.  Now it's Uncle Nicky's turn."

Now they got me.  "Alright."  Some of those notes I think were in my song "Jealous," so Miley was definitely right about that.  I sang the same part as Miley.

"UNCLE NICKY'S is better!"  And just then, she had a camera behind her and was recording the whole thing.

Miley snuck around and took the camera.  "ALENA!  What is this?"

"A camera."


"Mommy and Daddy gave it to me."

She sighs and then puts on the video and laughs.

I start looking at it and laugh.  "Well, we're going to have to talk to Mommy and Daddy about this.  But first, this is going on Instagram."  I take the camera and manage to send the video to my phone.  I put the video on my Instagram story, captioning it, "When you're babysitting your nieces and one of them has a camera, pits us in a Frozen singing competition, and records the whole thing," tagging Kevin, Danielle, and Miley.  "Now what do you want to do in the half hour remaining before Mommy and Daddy comes here?"

"Can we play a game?"

"Sure."  We lead them over to our game selections and point out the age-appropriate ones.  They pick out Sorry and set it on the table with my help.  We play a round or two and then Kevin and Danielle were here.  We lead them over to the door, where they run towards their mom and dad.

"Hey, girls.  Did you have fun?" Danielle asks.

Alena nods.

"What's this I hear about a singing competition and a recording?"

Alena shrugs.

"Young lady, we're going to have to talk about that when we're home.  In the meantime, no more Frozen!"

Alena just nods.

Kevin looks at us.  "Sorry, guys."

I nod.  "No problem.  It was sort of funny and cute anyways."

"So what else did you do?"

"Oh, well, after you left, they played hide-and-go-seek with us.  Apparently, they ran to the living room and hid behind one of our couches.  Then it was Frozen and the singing competition.  Then we played a round or two of Sorry."

"Sounds fun.  Well, thanks for watching them."

"You're welcome."

"See ya . . . in May for Adam's birthday, I guess?"

"Yup.  See ya!"  We had made plans for him to come over and do whatever is left of Destiny's nursery.  We wanted it completed before Miley goes into labor.  We also are doing a small family part for his first birthday after that.  Miley and I watched them leave and I close the door.  We go back to the living room, and plop down.  "Is Destiny going to be as obsessed with Frozen as they are?"

"I don't know.  I hope not."  She giggles.  "If that's so, we're putting on that movie once or twice a year."

"Maybe none if Adam doesn't like it."

"True.  Well, I'm exhausted.  Our kids, even if one is unborn, definitely wore me down, and the girls wore me down more.  Can we go upstairs?"

"Sure."  I pick up Adam, who had fell asleep on my lap during the movie and stayed asleep for the rest of the visit, and we go upstairs.  I put Adam in his cradle in his nursery, and then Miley and I go to our room, change into our PJs, and go to bed.  We kiss each other goodnight and I hold Miley in my arms as we fall asleep.

A Niley Story:  The Kids of the FutureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang