Chapter 17: "Before The Storm" Music Video

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Miley's POV:

The next month or so, we continue to work on the music video, which includes a storm in the beginning with the title of the song.  We added the pictures and the audio to it.

As for the other stuff we added, our teams added great effects and all.  Nick and I added some home videos my mom and his mom had of us just goofing around at the house he had then and the house I lived in then.  Joe and Kevin even sent us some stuff they had from the Hannah-Miley-Jonas Brothers tour we did and we had added that.  It was starting to look like a home video, but that was kind of the purpose, which was to make it as authentic (real) and personal as possible.

It still needed some work, but we had set a release date finally.  We set it for next week, and we changed our Twitter bios to "'Before The Storm' music video out next week!  Song by Miley, Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas!"

We even added some stuff we added on YouTube, since there was footage of us on there (some fans had posted stuff).  One of them was the infamous thing, where I was dressed up as Hannah and took Nick to the front of the stage.  Then we had to add an ending, had parts of the '7 Things' music video and a 'Sorry' performance (they didn't do a music video for it) as well as ending credits, which reads:

"'Before The Storm'

Song by Miley, Joe, Kevin, and Nick Jonas

Written by Miley, Joe, Kevin, and Nick Jonas

Lyrics edited by Miley and Nick Jonas

Song released in June 2009 on the album 'Line, Vines, and Trying Times'

Audio of live performance released in August 2009 on the album 'Time of Our Lives'

Music Video released September 2022 (Announcer:  I lost track of what year it was, so please forgive the mistake if it is.  I do my best to make it the best possible story I can manage for you all and remember as Miley/Hannah sings, "Everyone makes mistakes" and "Nobody's perfect") by Miley and Nick Jonas.

Music video worked on by Miley, Nick, Kevin, Joe, & Denise Jonas & Tish Cyrus (all who sent in footage of us, whether pictures or videos) & Miley & Nick's teams.

Note:  Thanks to our teams, Joe, Kevin, & the rest of the band members who helped with the song!!!  Also to our fans!!!!  Thanks also go to friends and family who supported us and helped us with the music video!!!!  Thanks to YouTube, as they had some footage we used!!!  Thanks go to our children Adam and Destiny, who will grow up with love, care, and support!!!  We love you all and are so happy to have this opportunity to share this first half of our story with you all!!!!!  Maybe in the future we will share the other half of the story through song and video!!!!!  XOXO with much love, Miley and Nick Jonas!!!!!"

Finally, it was completed, and throughout the week, we tweeted out clips of it to tease it, putting as captions, "Music video coming this week!  So excited!!!!" and other stuff.  We even put the #'s #beforethestorm, and #beforethestormmusicvideo, which was trending this week.

Today was the day it was coming out!!!!!  It had come out overnight at midnight!!!!  We had put Destiny and Adam to bed at 7 first, and stayed up for a while so we could wait!  When it was time, we had uploaded it onto YouTube, put the link in our Twitter and Instagram bios (again temporarily), and changed them to "'Before The Storm' music video out NOW!"  We had slept for the rest of the night and woke up late!!  When we did wake up, first thing we did was check our phones (ok, lie, it was getting out of bed, getting the babies, and having breakfast, then we had checked our phones).

I checked my Twitter feed, which was full of news and tweets from fans, friends, and family about the music video.  Most people seemed to love it.  I clicked on one link, which had read:

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