Chapter 13: Destiny Hope Jonas

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Nick's POV:

The next two months were just waiting for our daughter to be born.  Miley's belly grew a tiny bit bigger and Adam was getting anxious for his sister's entrance.

Today is Miley's due date.  Miley had woken up first to her water breaking, which had made the bed wet.  I had felt the wet bed and woke up, realizing she's in labor.  The wet bed we would have to deal with later when we're home with Destiny, but right now it was action time.  I just slipped on a robe and slippers, got Adam from his nursery, and took Miley to the hospital.  I checked her in, and the nurse led us to a room, where we had to wait a couple of hours before she could push.  I decided to call our families to tell the news.  I put Adam down and pulled out my phone and dialed some numbers.  When I finished making the calls, I turn to Adam, who's crying.  "Mommy's alright.  She's in labor, Adam.  Destiny is going to be born."  I soothe him.  "Remember, we discussed this?  Mommy has to push Destiny out.  You'll get your sister soon."

Soon Adam stops crying and looks at me.  I picked him back up since Miley had to stay in bed.

Within an hour, everyone arrives and comes in our room.  Tish asks, "How's Miley?"

"She's fine.  We have to wait one or two more hours before she has to push."

"Ok.  How's Adam?  It looks like he was crying."

"He was.  He didn't understand what's going on and he's just anxious for his sister to be born.  I talked to him and soothed him."

"Oh, poor baby.  Do you want me to take him when Miley has to go push?  That way you can help and when Destiny's out, I can bring him in and you can introduce them to each other."

"Yeah, that'll be great.  Thanks, Tish."

"You're welcome."  She goes down to sit down next to her husband and my father-in-law Billy Ray.

Kevin and Danielle are seated next to each other and Joe and Sophie.  Mom, Dad, and Frankie are sitting across from them.  Miley's siblings Trace, Brandi, Braison, and Noah are either seated next to each other or standing by their parents.  Frankie and Noah are just staring at each other.

Just then, a figure comes in.  "Hello?  Is this the Cyrus family?"

Billy Ray stands up.  "Yes, who are you?"

"Dad, it's Christopher Cody."

"Why, hello, boy!  Haven't seen you in a while.  Whatcha been up to?"

"Not much.  Sorry we lost contact with you guys."

"It's no problem.  How'd you find out where we were?"

"All over the news already.  Mom let me come as soon as I could.  I can't believe I missed Adam's birth and everything else."

"It's alright.  And it's no problem.  The public are going to find out anyways when Miley and Nick release an announcement."

I spoke up.  "Yup.  It's nice to see you, Cody."

"You too, brother.  Now where's my nephew?  And I guess my niece."

"I am holding Adam.  Your niece is not born yet but Miley has to push soon.  So don't worry.  You didn't miss anything."

"Ok, good."

The whole time we had talked, my whole family was looking at us.  Mom decided to speak up.  "Nick, honey, who's this?"

"This is Christopher Cody, Miley's, er, sort of twin.  He's Billy's son from a different relationship but he and Miley were born around the same year.  He lives with his mom and the Cyrus family had lost touch with him and his mom.  Same must have applied to them."

A Niley Story:  The Kids of the Futureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن