Chapter 4: It's Here!

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Miley's POV:
The next 3 months were full of hormones, finishing the nursery, resting, and whatever else came along with having a child.

Today was the due date.  I was pretty restless today.  During the afternoon, my water had broken.  I called Nick and he grabbed the bag and took me to the hospital, and the staff put us in a labor room, where we had to wait for a long time before they had me push the boy out.

During that wait, Nick called his family and then mine, so they could be here for the birth.  Everyone came in within an hour.

Soon my mom came in and assured me it's going to be ok.

The nurse came in to check on me while my mom was here.  She announced, "It's time to push, Miley," causing Nick to flip out.

"Nick, calm down, baby.  We're going to be ok.  Meanwhile, Mom, please go wait in the waiting area."

Mom leaves the room and Nick stands by my side for aid.

The nurse has me push and it takes a few pushes before our son was out of me.  He comes out all gross but the nurse cleans him up and hands it to Nick.  "Congratulations.  You have a beautiful son."  We thank her before she walks out of the room to give us some private time to relax after labor and adjust to having a child and tell our families.

"I'm a dad.  Thank you, Miley."  He kisses me.

"You're welcome.  And I'm a mom.  Thank you, Nick."  I kissed him back.

He hands our son to me, so he can announce the birth.  He takes a picture of the baby first, & adds it to his Instagram story with the captions:  "The baby is here.  May 12th, 8:00 PM, 9 lbs."  Then he takes a picture of me with him adds it to his Instagram story with the captions:  "Both mom and son are healthy" & adds both pictures to his highlight "Daddy life."

I say, "Can we name him now?"

"Sure."  He pulls out the list of names we liked and went through them until we picked out Adam Paul.  He takes Adam from me and I snap a picture, adding it to my own Instagram story with the captions:  "Baby boy is here.  Adam Paul Jonas, May 12th, 8:00 PM, 9 lbs.  His daddy and I are happy and healthy," & then to my highlight "Mommy Life."

Nick hands Adam back to me and lets people come in.  Everyone takes a turn holding Adam before giving him to me.

Denise comments, "He kind of looks like Nick."

Danielle goes, "He so does."

Mom goes, "What did you name him?"

I announce, "Adam Paul Jonas."

Everyone leaves after a while of talking.

The hospital discharged us after making sure we are ready to go and I'm all good and Adam is good.

As we walk to our car, paparazzi chase after us with questions, like "Miley, Nick, how is the boy?  How are you guys?"  We ignore them and have our bodyguards block them off from us.

Adam is in my arms and I put him in the car and then Nick helps me into the car before he goes into the driver's seat and takes us home.

When we get home about a half hour later, Nick takes Adam and puts him in the cradle in his nursery.  I sing to him and the baby falls asleep.  After yawning from a crazy night, Nick and I go to bed and fall asleep.

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