Chapter 29: In my dreams...

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Hey guys! Long time no write I know. Life has been busy and I have had a case of writer's block or just needed a mental break. 

Lots happened last year and lots going on now. Thank you all for your patience.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Bye!

It was a hot day at the beach. The sun was burning, the water was warm and the distant sound of the waves crashing on the offshore rock formations was relaxing. It felt like Summer even though it was a few months away.

Laying on a beach towel, Natalia sun bathed next to Juliet who was currently scrolling thru her cell phone. Natalia laid on her stomach while watching Ashley and Grace playing frisbee with the twins and Grayson. The trio had gotten there early and ready for a day of sun and fun.

"Are you thinking of Kennedy?"

Scrunching her eyebrows together, Natalia glanced over to Juliet who was still on her phone. Wondering where that question came from. "Where did that question come from?"

Juliet only shrugged before putting her phone down then looked down at her friend. "You look like you are in deep thought. Thought you may be thinking about him."

Shaking her head Natalia says. "I wasn't. I was just watching them play frisbee." but the truth was that she was thinking about someone. Actually a couple of someones.

Glancing over to her brothers and her friends, Juliet hummed. "I doubt watching people play frisbee is exciting. You also looked spaced out. Plus, you haven't really spoken about him. What is going on with you and him anyway?"

Sitting up to face Juliet, she took a deep breath. "I don't think there is going to be anything between Ken and I."

Raising her eyebrow, Juliet says. "I don't blame you. After the crap he pulled with not calling you when his grandfather was in the hospital. I would be mad at him Nat."

"I understand why he didn't. His grandfather had just had a heart attack and his mind was on him, not on calling me." 

"Hmm, he could have texted just a head's up that he was away because his grandfather was rushed to the hospital. Even when he was there he could have. It doesn't take that long to send a quick text." Juliet tried making her point.

"Yeah, maybe." Natalia responds. She wasn't going to tell Juliet what had happened in the yacht. She may go on a rant about it.

"So, would you give him another chance if he asked?" asking curiously.

It took Natalia a while to respond to Juliet. Nonchalantly she glanced over to where the twins where throwing the frisbee around. Grayson had thrown it high in the air that it flew above Damien's head that when he jumped to grab it, he fell back on his butt making all of them laugh at him. She even chuckled.

"I don't know Juliet. He's cute and sweet and he tells me he really likes me. Even told me he will wait until I decide to give him another chance. Have you ever felt a connection with someone, but felt like you should be better off as friends? Like, it would be too hard to be with them if you were to give them a chance? Or too many obstacles? You know what I mean?"

Nodding her head, Juliet glanced over to the group with a sad smile. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean."


"Who's ready for the pool?" Damon shouted as he got up from the living room sofa. He and the rest of the group where lounging around after they had finished eating lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Heart.

"I am!" Ashley shouted jumping out of her seat running up to him.

Taking aback by her enthusiasm, he stepped back. "Someone is excited to go to the pool."

"Of course I am. We are playing chicken, right? You can be my partner." taking his hands in hers, Ashley started pulling Damon out of the living room area and toward the direction of the patio where the pool was.

Grace laughed and got up to follow them. "Ashley, wait for me." shouting behind them.

Grayson also got up. "Coming Damien?" 

Damien nodded at him while standing up. "Yeah, let's go before Damon drowns trying to get them on his shoulders." chuckling as he passed his sister and Natalia.

"You girls coming?"Grayson asked them before leaving the living room. It was actually one of the few times that he had spoken in Juliet's direction. Damien, not so much towards Natalia which she was finding strange. 

As a matter of fact, neither had Damon. Not even much of a glance. She had shrugged it off, thinking they were giving her space after what they had admitted to her a week ago. Even so, they would had looked at her in some way or even made some innuendos towards her. They didn't even say good morning to her when she had walked into the kitchen. 

She thought it was best after the dream, or dreams she kept having all night. She thought that what she had dreamt while taking a nap was vivid...

The dream she had was hot, steamy and very, very R- rated. So R-rated that she blushed just thinking about it. A dream that no sixteen year old should be having about any guy, let alone two. When she saw them that morning, thoughts of what they had done to her in her dream resurfaced. Arousal spread through her skin -- even feeling ashamed -- from seeing the two shirtless twins who had been standing in the kitchen eating breakfast. Not knowing what they were doing to her internally.

"Wrong! Wrong! All wrong!" she screamed to herself. It was wrong to have dreams of them in that way and to -- in some ways -- want them both. Wasn't it? Of course it was. She knew their type. Her ex was their type. She even knew Kennedy was that type.

The type of guy that went around sweet talking, roping and molding unsuspecting girls, using them for their own pleasure. Natalia had promised herself that she would stay clear from their type. So why is it that the Heart twins, are worming themselves into her thoughts... and dreams?

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