Chapter 28: Too quiet...

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08/03/2017: #109 in Teen Fiction

08/05/2017: #241 in Teen Fiction

Hello my dear readers. It's been a while. Had a great Disney vacation with my family and enjoying the Summer with my kids and friends. Seriously can't believe Summer it's almost over and school will be back in session... I can't wait.

Anyways, the chapter isn't that long but I wanted to update it though it took me a few days to finish.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Have a great weekend.

08/06/2017: #90 in Teen Fiction

"Thank you for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Heart. It was delicious." finishing her dinner Natalia complimented Juliet's parents for the meal they had prepared for dinner.

"Glad you liked it Natalia. I'm sure it's not as good as your mom's cooking." Mrs. Heart tells her with a small chuckle.

"Oh, it's as good." smiling back at her.

"Who's ready for dessert?" Mr. Heart asks aloud making his way back to the dinning room table with a platter of chocolate cake on it.

"I know I am." Juliet licked her lips.

"We are also." the twins responded glancing over to Natalia with a smirk on their handsome faces. Natalia was still upset at them though in a way, she felt like she was over reacting. She doesn't mean to. She told them she could be friends with them, but their advances towards her was a turn off. Well, the way they did it was. Her ex had done a number on her and no matter how hard she has been trying not to compare the twins to him, but it was a hard habit to break.

Ignoring them, she took a plate of dessert and dug in. One of her many weaknesses was chocolate cake.

After light conversation, Natalia volunteered to clean up. Protesting that she was their guest, Mr. and Mrs. Heart gave in and had Juliet help her.

Not taking long, the girls went back to the media room to watch a movie. "What are you girl's watching?" Damon plops on the sofa next to Juliet.

"It isn't Magic Mike is it?" Damien adds while sitting on the love seat.

"We are watching Moana." Juliet answered with her eyes still on the t.v. screen. "So shut your traps."

"How old are you Juju? Seven?" Damon laughed knowing that it annoyed her when he insinuated she was childish.

"At least I act older and more mature than you." retorting back. "Plus, there isn't anything wrong with watching Disney animated movies, no matter how old you are. Right Natalia?" glancing over to her friend who looked deep in thought.

Snapping her head to Juliet, she nodded her head yes. She loved watching Disney movies.

"Still, you're sixteen and obsessed with Disney movies." Damien chuckles.

"Says the eighteen year old that still watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles every Saturday morning and has them printed on his pajama pants." batting her eyelashes innocently.

Damien narrowed his eyes at her, his laugh gone and his cheeks turning red. Natalia laughed lowly at the revelation of big 'player' Damien liking TMNT. She thought it was cute.

"I thought so." Juliet quipped at her brother. Standing up she  looks down at Natalia. "I'm going to the kitchen. Do you want anything to drink or eat?"

"Sure, water is fine and whatever you bring back to eat. Thanks."

"Okay, be back." Juliet heads out towards the kitchen leaving Natalia and her brothers alone.

Sitting still, Natalia kept her eyes forward. Nervous that the twins may do something to touch or seduce her.

Juliet would be back any minute now. They wouldn't be that bold. Would they? 

A minute passed and the twins were still sitting down. They didn't even look her way or say anything which she found strange.

"Here's your water and I brought us some Cheetos puffs, Funyuns and sour cream chips." Juliet announces once she walked back into the room.

"Thanks. But, that's a lot of chips." Natalia raises her eyebrows while eyeing the bags of chips in her hands.

"Nah, I figured we can have what we want and since these idiots are here, they can have some also."

"Aww, you are so nice Juju." Damon cooed at her.

"I have my moments." shrugging then plopped herself next to Natalia on the sofa.

Going back to watching the movie, Natalia kept wondering if the twins were planning something. 


"Goodnight Juju. Goodnight Natalia." Damon tells them. They had finished watching Moana in silence and were heading up to bed.

"Night big bros." Juliet waves at them once they pass them on the sofa. 

"Good night." Natalia lowly tells them.

"Let's go to bed. We are planning to start the day early tomorrow once the girls get here."

"Sounds good. I'm tired anyways, even with the small nap I took earlier."

Following Juliet after shutting everything off, they went upstairs, said goodnight then went to their own rooms for the night.

Passing the twin's rooms she sighed, not knowing the reason from her action. Having ignored her tonight should be a relieve. That's what she needs to remind herself.

Refreshed after a shower, Natalia lays down on the comfortable bed. Closing her eyes she lets sleep consume her but after an hour of tossing and turning, she snaps her eyes open in frustration.

"Why can't I sleep?" grunting to herself. Feeling hot, she uncovered herself then closed her eyes again to try and fall sleep.

It was quiet, her brain was finally shutting down after thinking about other things and was ready to be in a full sleep... until a while later when she felt the mattress dip on both sides... 

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