Chapter 16: Best Friend or Not...

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Stepping out of Damien's room, Natalia turned around to bump into Damon who looked like he was going to go into his brother's room.

"Sorry..." she tells him taking a step back from him.

"No problem is he?" he asked with concern in his voice.

Looking back at the door she smiled back at him. "He's alright...he just needs time. It's always a shocker or even traumatizing seeing your ex who made your life a living hell after so long..." her eyes watering...she knew all too well.

Damon tilted his head to the side bringing his hand up to her face, his finger lifting her chin up. "Hey, are you alright? You look like you want to cry."

Closing her eyes she shook her head. She didn't want to think about her ex...ever again. "Yeah...just..." she began to say but Damon grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall then stopped at a door opening it pulling her inside with him.

Natalia looked around realizing that it was his room. Damon stood in front of her cupping her face with his hands. "What's the matter beautiful? Did Damien say something to upset you?" looking in between her eyes.

Just like Damien, him being close to her made her flush especially when his hands are holding her this close to his own face.

"He didn't...we just know, about Ashlyn and what she had done...and what happened last night..."

Staring into her eyes he nodded his head letting her face go walking towards his bed. As he sat down he motioned for her to sit down also.

"So, he told you what the she-devil did to him?" 

"Yes, for the most part. He told me what he felt comfortable telling me." sitting down next to him.

"That's good...he never talks about it which I don't blame him, he was never the same after what she put him through. He gave her his heart and love unconditionally, only for her to rip it, tear, stomp on it then shatter it in a million pieces...she changed him when they were together and he slowly made his way back to how he used to be." telling her sadly as he looked down at his hands.

"I know how he feels..I told him I went through a similar experience a while's not easy finding yourself back to the person you once were...and sometimes you don't even want to be them because it just reminds you of how naive, ignorant and fragile you really were when you let that person break you in half..." she trailed off looking down at the floor.

Damon leaned over to move her face to face him, she still looked down. "Hey, I believe that if you and Damien were put through hell by two cold, heartless aholes and survived? Then you two are very strong human are fighters and now know that who ever may come along and try to bring you down, you will be aware and prepare to kick them to the curve before letting them in. I may not know what your ex did to you and I know that if I were around I would have kicked his ass or worst, but know that I see a very guarded, beautiful, strong willed young lady that doesn't take crap from anybody..."

"How do you know?" she asks looking up at him.

Chuckling he responded. "Because unlike many rejected us from the minute you met us...and that's saying something."

Natalia shook her head and laughed. "Yeah...I can smell a player a mile away." she shrugged.

"Hey! I'm not a player."

Cocking her brow she looked at him. "Alright, alright...I may have slept around a few times with girls that were willing to keep it a one time thing...but trust me...I'm done with that..." telling her seriously.

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