Chapter 10: Playing Dirty...

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After Kennedy had arrived at Natalia's house to pick her up for school, the twins asked him to step outside for a "talk".

"What the hell Ken?!" Damien whispered yelled at his friend who stood in front of them with a smug look plastered on his handsome face.

"Yeah Kenny...what do you think you are doing?" Damon added crossing his arms over his chest.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked innocently.

The twins cocked their brow then glanced over at each other then back at Kennedy.

"Cut the sh**...what did you mean you are Natalia's date on Saturday?" Damien asked.

"Exactly what it means Damien...I'm Natalia's date on Saturday...meaning that I am taking her out on a date...what part of that didn't you understand?"

"Why Kenny? You know we are also interested in her." Damon cut in wanting to know why his best friend would intentionally ask her out knowing he wanted too.

Kennedy looked in between the twins then shook his head. "You two are so f'ing unbelievable. So...because the Heart brothers like Natalia...means that I can't like her either? I met her before you both did...I asked her out deal with it! Plus, don't you two have some other chicks to screw?" he spat glaring at them...they had some nerve.

"Who screwing who?" they heard a female's voice behind them making the twins tense up.

Standing next to Kennedy stood Natalia with a curious expression on her face.

Swinging his arm over Natalia's shoulder and bringing her closer to his body Kennedy responded before the twins could. "Oh, you know...the twins here were telling me of some girls they are planning on hooking up, make sure you both use don't want any accidents or STD's to appear." he tells them seriously making Natalia scrunch up her nose in disgust.

If looks could kill, Kennedy would be six feet under...and this time around, it was Damien who had to stop his twin from jumping his best friend and beat him to a pulp.


Classes went by fast. During lunch, the twins sat with their sister, which she wasn't to happy about and tried to talk to Natalia. She only answered in one word responses making the twins pissed off...Kennedy was going to pay for what he did that morning.

The classes they had with her went the same. They tried speaking to her and she tried to ignore them until gym time.

Natalia was standing with Grace, Kennedy and Grayson when the twins walked up to them.

"Hey guys." the twins say in unison.

"Hey." they respond.

"Yo you remember Miranda?" Damon asked smirking towards his friend.

"Um...yeah?! What about her?" he asked curiously glancing over Natalia then back at them. He knew they were up to something.

"How about Stephanie?" Damien asked with the same smirk his twin wore.

Kennedy didn't answer but nodded his head yes.

"I forgot to tell you that we saw them earlier in class. Miranda said that she's free Friday night..."

"Yeah and Stephanie told me to tell you that she cancelled whatever plans she had for Saturday night, so she would be happy to go out on that date that you had asked her on yesterday." Damien tells him.

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