Chapter 13: The Surprise Guest...

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Mid morning came on Saturday and slowly Natalia and the girls were waking up. Natalia hardly slept thinking about Damien and Damon and how they kissed her...especially Damien.

She couldn't deny he was a great kisser and though Damon and her kissed for about thirty seconds, he wasn't bad either.

What they told her the night before replayed in her mind..."We were just wondering when we are going to get the chance to get you alone again...we were really enjoying your neck...and will definitely enjoy the rest of you...when the time comes."

She felt something when they told her that, and even when Damien told her that he wanted her, she felt a flutter in her stomach but she soon had pushed it away. She didn't want to feel anything for him...them.

Stretching her limbs and yawning she looked around Juliet's room to notice her and Grace were also waking up as she was.

"Good morning." Natalia says looking at them with a small smile.

"Morning." they say in unison as they also stretch.

The girls one by one got up and started folding the blankets putting their things away.

"Where is Ashley?" Grace asked looking around the room.

Juliet and Natalia glanced at each other and shrugged. "Don't know...maybe she is downstairs?" Juliet responded back.

A few minutes later the girls went to brush their teeth so they can head downstairs and get breakfast.


Damien had just finished taking a shower so he could head downstairs. After grabbing Natalia and kissing her the night before he had headed up to his room to find someone laying on his bed...

*...opening the door to his dark room, Damien shuffled his way to his bed. He was tired but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep after kissing Natalia. He smiled widely just thinking of kissing her soft lips. He wouldn't had stopped if she wouldn't had stopped him. He could kiss her all day long if possible and he was going to make sure that he would be able too in the near future

Plopping down on the mattress, he heard a female voice "Hi baby..."

Standing up, Damien turned on the lamp on his night stand to see who had sneaked into his bedroom.

"What the f-...Ash-?" he began to say before she cut him off.

"Hey sexy..." she purred seductively.

"What are you doing here?" he asked upset glaring down at her.

"You don't want me here? I thought you would..."

"No...I don't." he gritted grabbing her by the arm lifting her up to her knees.

 She was surprised but masked it by wrapping her arms around his neck.

" know you want me to stay...I can make it worth your while...let me show you a great night." she tells him grabbing his cock. "I want you Damien...please f**k me." she pleaded kissing his neck all the way down to his bare chest.

Damien closed his eyes feeling her lips on his skin. His cock twitched and the way Natalia had left him ten minutes before, left him he knew what he was going to do...*

Pushing what had happened the night before aside he looks over to the girl that was sleeping on his bed. He had to find a way to get her out of his room before Natalia sees her. He had finally gotten the chance to get close to her and the girl in his bed wasn't going to screw up his chances to get further.

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