Chapter 11

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* Jordan's POV *

I stayed on the island until the sunset and the moon rose. I sat at the same place atop the mountainous island and looked over the lake.

I heard rustling in the woods, probably a deer or squirrel or something.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was Harry, no, it wouldn't he knows I'm here if the trail appears and he wouldn't come up here if he knew I was I rejected his kiss and know he hates me.

"I knew you be here." I heard a low British voice say behind me, I didn't bother to turn around because I knew it was him.


"Obviously since the trail appeared." I said a little smart, I'm the one who rejected him and then I'm being an jerk to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." I said looking back to meet his eyes but they we're concentrated on the horizon of the lake.

"How'd you get here, with out the trail and bridge?" He asked, finally looking down at me.

"I climbed the bank and just walked through the thorns and weeds." I say swinging my legs over from their current position of hanging off the side of the cliff and showed him the scratches on my legs from the thorns. He just nodded and looked back up at the lake with such concentration it's starting to give me a head ache.

I stand up so I can meet his eyes, "why'd you come here? After the last time we was here I thought you'd never want to see me again." I say and await for his answer he seemed to be unsure of his answer and before I knew it I slammed my lips onto his and wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a few small, soft kisses he hardened the kiss running his tongue over my bottom lip and I let his tongue slide in as he presses his hand to the small of my back pressing me against him.

* Harry's POV *

"why'd you come here? After last time a thought you'd never want to see me again." Jordan says looking up at me, her blue eyes shining like gems in the moonlight.

Why did I come here, I knew she was here when the trail appeared but I wasn't prepared to talk to her, to be honest I thought she'd leave at my presence.

Before I could think of a logical explanation that doesn't make me sound pathetic, she had crashed her soft lips onto mine caressing my lips in hers, at first I kissed her softly, then I hardened the kiss licking her bottom lip asking for entrance. She obliged quickly and I ran my hand down to the small of her back pressing her against my body.

When we finally released from the strong, unexpected embrace, it was quiet for a moment but it wasn't akward, my mind was reeling and I know hers was too.

Did I, did we just do that?

"So you changed your mind or something?" I finally ask.

She paused for a moment staring down at the ground.

"I dont know." She says sitting back on the cliff hanging her feet of the edge again like she was when I found her, the moonlight shining off her beautiful skin as she stared out at the lake.

"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

"I mean-, I just don't want a summer fling." She says and sighs. "I can't just believe that you'll want a serious relationship, that you'd even want me, period. you look like the kind if guy that has a different girlfriend everyday. Plus both of our friends think we hate each other, what do you think they'll think if we just magically start this kind of stuff together?" She says and it's quiet for another long moment.

She is right on a lot of things, I don't really want a serious relationship right now, I don't want to worry about pleasing someone at every waking moment of the rest of the summer. And both of our friends would freak out and give us hell all summer and the lads would think I'm soft to go out with someone like her. They've only know me to have a one night fling maybe a week at the most, I tell them that's it's only because they bore me after awhile and they do, I wanna do more than just have sex. And I can never find the right one.

Until her.

Everything about Jordan is right the mere presence is exhilarating, and the kiss we just shared was the most passionate I've ever been with anyone.

"Well, that's not what I was going for anyways. You look like you haven't even had your first kiss yet, until now, I really could care less if you didn't want a summer fling. And yeah, you're right I'd rather Louis and the lads not even know," I motion to her then me. "this happened." I say quickly but the bitterness was thick enough to do damage.

Why the hell did I just say that?

She looks up at me once more. Her blue eyes shining in the moonlight, but more glossy as usual, dammit she's tearing up.

"I gotta get back, they're probably wondering where I am." She says and gets up and leaves.

* Jordan's POV *

When I left Harry there atop the mountainous island I felt horrible, mainly from the words he said, I thought he liked me, I should've said something else to him but I fought for the words I just said, I don't understand what I want, but I know for sure that Harry isn't something I should want.

But I do want him.

I'm pretty sure he knows I'm lying about the whole 'they're probably wondering where I am' thing because he knows as well as I do that they're either with his friends or asleep.

Why can't I just be simple and just take him and suffer from the heart break when he leaves me after two days and hide away in my room in the cabin for the rest of the summer.

I stop and look out at the water from the trail. In anger I pick up a stone and chuck it at the water attempting to release the anger and regret I have for him and my stubborn feelings.

I walk a few more feet and sit in the same place where I had sat when I first discovered the trail.

* Harry's POV *

Gah, why do I have to be a horrible person! We barely know each other and she can tell that I'm a player. Or maybe it was because I was a total douche when I said that to her before she left.

Maybe- maybe if I change maybe she'll see that she can see that I'm not a complete and total douche and could give me a chance.

Please please vote it only takes two seconds and thank you Lexi for voting I luh you darling!

And one thing feedback would be really nice, I really like writing this book and I want you to like it too! But I'm afraid you all don't like it because there's no feedback. I would love to hear your opinion on this book that's the whole reason I started writing on wattpad instead of in a notepad.

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