Chapter 21

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That picture at the top is Gage just so ya'll know ^^

*Jordan's POV* (back at the restaurant)
Oh god this is how I'm gonna die, I just know it. The shadowy figure comes towards me.

"Jordan?" The shadow says. That voice is familiar. Before I could ponder anymore on the voice he was out of the darkness and I could see his face, oh god.

"Gage?" I say looking more into his features. Still beautiful.. his perfectly shaped jawline and piercing blue eyes make me melt all over him again. But I'm no longer as naive as I was when we dated.
"Damn Jordan, you got hit by the gorgeous stick... or bus." He remarks shallowly. I roll my eyes. "Oh god that did sound bad I'm sorry. It's great to see you again." He says stuffing his hands into his khaki shorts.

I can't help but feel nerve under his piercing blue eyes, I could feel my face flushing as I try to understand why he's talking to me.

", would you like to go do something, for old times sake?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck, he only did that when he was nervous so I know I have the upper hand in this for a change.

I look around as if I'm thinking about it, mainly because I didn't wanna seem like I'm too eager. "Sure." I say as I watch a smile crawl across his handsome features.

"Cool. Come on." He says and holds out his arm like a gentle man would do and I loop my arm around his.

As we walk to his car I can't believe how much he's changed. Did someone finally set him straight? Should I ask? I probably shouldn't but I want to.

He opens the passenger door for me and I slide in. "Where are we going?" I ask him when he gets into the drivers seat.

"I wanna show you the house I got. It's on the lake and it's breath taking." He says.

"Okay." I say and direct my attention to the passing terrain. I don't know what to think about this, after all that happened, all the things that he did to me. I never thought that I would so much as see him again. I didn't want to for fear I might fall again. I even changed my number not that I was worried that he'd call but the fact that I was afraid of his friends bullying me.

"Jordan?" He says pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes?" I look over to see him looking at me, worry laced in his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I see him start to reach over and touch my thigh but he stops and pulls back before he can.

"Yeah." I say trying to mask any emotion I might be showing.

"Okay. It's just, you looked like you was trying not to cry a second ago." He says his grip on the steering wheel tightening as if he knew what I was thinking about. Man was it that clearly written on my face?

"Oh no. I just... got something in my eye I think was an eyelash." I say and laugh to try to take the tension away but he just smiles and looks back to the road.

I'm never going to survive this.

Shortly, we arrive at his house. He was right, it had a beautiful veiw of the lake and the house was gorgeous it was very modern mainly made of windows but with a veiw like this I would want to have windows all around too. He unlocks the door and we walk in.

"No room mates?" I ask laughing, slightly surprised that there isn't roudy guys running around or playing video games and laying in their underwear on the couch. But no one was to be found. Not even a pair of dirty socks or under wear on the floor.

"Hell no." He laughs as he throws his keys on the table next the door.

"No offense but I don't believe this is your house. This has to be a family memebers summer house or something." I say looking around as he walks into the kitchen.

He comes back with a bottle of wine and two glasses, oh dear. "I don't know if I should be offended or flattered." He laughs and I just want to take a picture. "But no, this is my house, I paid for it. I pay the bills and I paid for everything in and around it. It's mine." He says and motions to the tidy light grey couch.

I sit down and he sits the bottle and two glasses on the coffee table. He holds up a finger and gets up and goes back to the kitchen. Moments later he comes back with a box and a bottle opener.

"What's in the box?" I ask getting curious and he smirks.

"Well," He picks up the bottle and looks closely, "It says 'dessert wine' so I figured we needed dessert." He says and he opens the box to reveal a dozen powder sugar dusted donuts. "Yes, one dozen raspberry jelly filled donuts." My eyes widened and I could feel a smile creeping onto my lips. He remembered.

"These are my favorite!" I say looking at them with wonder.

He picks one up with a napkin and hands it to me. "I know, I remembered from that day me and you when to the donuts shop and that's what you got and you let me try it, ever since I've loved them." He says getting one for himself as I take a bite.

It was silent as we continued to eat the delectable donuts. "Oh damn I almost forgot!" He says and picks up the bottle opener. As he twists the metallic helix into the cork I watch his arms flex as he forces the cork to come out. I watch as his tanned skin stretches as his muscles become more visible and all I want to do is run my fingers across his defined arms.

Finally the bottle is open and he starts pouring the wine in the glasses.

I pick the glass up and bring it to my nose and I take in the aromatic scent. It reminds me of summer days laying in the yard and taking in the smell of the flowers and wanting it to never end. I finally take a sip and the scent matches the taste.

I look over to see an amazed Gage staring at me. "What?" I ask feeling my cheeks flush under his gaze.

"You looked so calm and so happy when you did that. It was like you was thinking of something that made you happy when you took a drink. You looked beautiful." He says and I smile and look at the ground to try and hide my blushing face. When I look up to him again he was leaning in to kiss me.

Oh god, what should I do?

Kiss him.

No wait.

No do it.

We're only mere centimeters away from kissing and my phone goes off and he backs away.

"I'm sorry I need to take this. It's Amanda." I say he nods and smiles his face red with embarrassment.

I walk into the kitchen and answer the phone.


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