Chapter 7

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After they leave, I fall asleep watching some show about nature.


I wake up to the sound of Amanda and Tasha coming in.

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Like midnight." Amanda says sitting her bag on the counter.

"Oh." I say and look at the door. I want to go see if I can reveal the portal by myself, maybe it's just for Harry and I and no one else. God I hope so.

"We're going to bed, so goodnight." Amanda says and Tasha does the same and they retreat to their rooms.

When they are finally asleep, I leave and walk down to the sandy shore and sit on a rock.

I sit staring at the glowing moon when I hear somebody walking close by.

"Hey." I hear someone say to me. I turn around to see Niall walking down into the sand, hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey." I say back and turn back around focusing on the moon again.

"Was you expecting someone else?" He asks smirking at me.

"Um, no. No, I wasn't just a little startled, that's all." I say pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What brings you down here?" I ask.

"I saw you, out if the window, so I thought you might want some company." He says and I finally look into his glimmering blue eyes. "Un-unless, you wanted to be alone." He says sitting down close to me.

"No, you're fine. I just got bored sitting up at the cabin." I say, our eyes to moving from each others gaze.

"Oh," he says.

It was quiet for a long moment. Then as I finally broke his gaze and looked out at the moon again he lifted his arm and rested it on my shoulder, then slowly began to slide down my back.

"What are you doing?" I jump up staring at him with wide eyes.

"Nothing." His eyes shoot to the ground. Clearly embarrassed.

"Aren't you dating my best friend?" I state more than ask.

His eyebrows furrow, "No, we're just friends." He says.

"What? But I thought you when on double date with Tasha with Louis and Amanda?" I ask.

"No, Louis wanted me to go because Amanda wouldn't go without Tasha and he didn't want a third wheel." He says shrugging.

"Oh." I say because there was really nothing else to say.

"But sorry anyways." He says once again looking at the ground.

"It's okay." I say still standing.

"So was that the only reason you moved away from me that quick?" He says looking up with hopeful eyes.

His eyes sparkling in the moonlight and his hair is messy from running his fingers through it so much.

"It was the main reason," I turn around to face the moons bright shine. "But not the only one." I say.

I hate the fact that I wanted Niall to be Harry walking down to see if I wanted company and how much I wish I would've kissed him.

"What's the other reason?" He asks curiously.

"It's hard to explain." I lie.

It really isn't, I just wanted you to be Harry. That's all.

* Harry's POV *

Out of curiosity I look out of the front window to see if I could see Jordan looking for the trail again. To my surprise I see her down next to the lake, but she's standing with someone.

"Oooh," I here Louis come up and rest his hand on my shoulder. "Niall's down there gonna get him some." He says mischievously.

If I know Jordan at all, she wouldn't let that happen. But I can't help that pang of jealousy I get knowing that Niall's down there talking to her, no doubt complimenting her, telling her that she looks beautiful in the glimmering moonlight, fucking suck up.


After watching them sit down there and talk for over thirty minutes I decide to make a move.

I walk down to where they are, it takes them a moment to realize my presence.

"Oh hey Harry, you need me?" He asks.

"No, I need Jordan." I say, in more than one way.

"For what?" She's asks.

I don't really no I just want her to stop talking to him. If I ask her to go with me down the trail, she'll think I'm needy and I'm not fucking needy.

"Uhh," I search my mind for an excuse as Niall cocks his eyebrow. "I heard Tasha and Amanda wondering where you were and they we're being annoying and asks us." I say.

I can tell she knows I'm lying as her eyebrow cocks up like Niall's.

"Okay, I'll go see." She says excusing herself.

Me and Niall stand in silence for a moment before he walks back up to the cabin.

I stay where I am staging out at the moon on the lake, when I hear footsteps walking down to where I am. I turn around to see Jordan's face looking at me with a concerned expression taking over her face.

"I knew you were lying Amanda and Tasha went to bed before I came out here." She say blankly.

"I knew you knew I was lying." I say sitting on the same rock her and Niall was sitting on just moments ago.

"What do you want to say to me that you didn't want Niall to hear?" She asks fading her arms over her chest.

What did I come down here for? I didn't think that far ahead.

"I don't know." I say truthfully.

"You don't know?" She says clearly not buying it.

"Yeah." I say helplessly.

"Well, I'd better get back to the cabin." she says and starts to walk back.

"Wait." I say grabbing her arm. "not that I care but, why did you reject my kiss?" I ask looking into her eyes.

She looks up into my eyes and I swear the moon glimmering in her beautiful blue eyes could stile a man dead.

"Because I know what'll happen if I fall for you, and if I can help it. it won't happen." she says coolly and walks away. what the fuck?

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