Chapter 5

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When we arrive at the cabin Harry stops me.

"Maybe I should go in by myself." He says. "You never know what they'll be doing in there." He adds and I step back and let him go in.

I don't want my friends to know that I'm hanging out with him, so I decide to go and stand out of sight so they won't see me.

Moments later, Harry comes out of the cabin, slightly taken aback by my absence, he looks around for a second but then leads them down to the trail and I follow behind them, still out of sight.

When we reach the trail, once again it's not there.

"Well, where is it?" Louis asks.

"It was right here I swear." Harry tries to convince his friends but they don't believe him and the group walks back up to the cabins.

Once they were back inside I came out and joined Harry.

"Where'd it go? I thought it showed up when the moon was out." I say and once I stepped next to Harry a beam of moonlight streamed down to where the trail was and suddenly the brush and weeds pulled back to reveal once again, the trail.

"What the hell?" Harry says staring at the trail with wide eyes clearly not believing what he just witnessed.

"What if it's us that reveals the trail?" I say looking up at Harry.

"That's impossible, why us?" He say his eyebrows furrowing once again.

"I don't know but from what it looks like, that's the only reasonable explanation." I say stepping toward the trail, Harry following close behind.

We walk a ways in silence before anyone speaks, our minds racing at what we just witnessed.

"Is this supposed to be like those cheesy ass movies where it's 'meant to be'?" He says in air quotes. And I can't help but scoff.

"In my opinion, that whole meant to be crap is fake and just a way to make cheesy movies." I say looking out at the water.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." He says blankly.

I look up at his face, his perfect features, glowing in the moonlight. Then he meets my gaze and we both stop walking.

He lifts his hand to my chin and leans into me. I want to kiss him and here's my chance, but I know how his....kind is, and it's not good.

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