Chapter 4

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It's sundown and I leave to go find that trail. I will find it if takes me all night.

I walk down to the sandy shore of the lake and reenact walking up to the cabin, I look up to the boys cabin, I can hear Amanda's voice over everyone's and the cabins a decent ways from where I stood.

I look over in the same direction I did last night but I didn't see any sight of the trail.

After half an hour of searching I give up and walk back to the sand and plop down and start to make a sandcastle.

When it got dark I decided to get up and make the trip back up to the cabin.

Out of habit, I look over one last time for the trail and to my surprise, there in the shimmering moonlight, the trail lay there as if it was always there.

Before I knew it I was sprinting towards the trail.

I go to the same ledge that I sat at last night to see if my book was still there, but it was no where to be found.

The moon was brighter than it was last night so I decide to walk down the trail to see where it lets up.

I walk down the trail for what seems like an hour before I come up to a bridge leading to an island.

I decide to cross it when my curiosity gets the best of me.

The bridge isn't old, it was probably built a few years ago. So I wasn't apprehensive about the bridge having any old boards.

When I reach the island I couldn't help but wonder how I couldn't find the trail earlier today. The trail quickly became more steep and rocky. I climbed up on a big rock to see if I could see any farther and I could see an opening point so I quickly climbed up the last few rocks to reach the opening. I walk up to the opening to find a huge drop off into the lake, it was at least three stories high, it looks like a place where people could come and cliff dive. I was looking over the edge, watching the waves crash against the side of the huge mountain of an island. As I watched I got dizzy and my knees started to wobble and I leaned forward and just as I think I'm about to fall over I feel a large hand grab my arm and jerk me back. I can't see anything for a minute, for just a second I feel my cheek and body pressed up against a hard chest and I hear heavy breathing, could this be a crazy murderer? Or a random stalker.

"Are you crazy?" I hear the deep raspy voice ask me and I suddenly knew who it was, Harry. I look up and in the moonlight I saw his flawless features in the moonlight.

"Not particularly." I manage to say.

After a minute of silence we both realize that he's still holding me tightly to his chest and I push off of him.

There will be none of that. I remind myself.

"I was just looking at the waves, and I guess I just got a little dizzy." I say not looking at him, but I could feel his eyes burning into me.

"Oh, well, here." He says and I look to see what he had, in his hand was my book.

"Oh my book. I must've left it yesterday. Thanks." I say taking the book from his hand and instinctively run my thumb over all the pages.

"You're welcome." He says

Once again we have drifted into silence, except it's not as uncomfortable and akward as we both stare off at the horizon of the lake as the moon shines down on it.

"Why aren't you at the cabin with your friends?" He asks turning his gaze to me again.

"Because I don't want to watch Amanda obnoxiously flirt with your friend Louis." I say half truthfully. I mean I really didn't but I wanted to find this trail. "Why aren't you with your friends?" I ask.

"Same as you really, and I came back to try to find this trail again, because for some reason I couldn't find it until after the sun set." He says. His deep raspy voice and accent, that I never realized he had until a few minutes ago, is low and I could tell he was just as confused as I am. "I tried to bring the lads down here, to show them and to explore more but there was no sign of a trail anywhere." He says.

"Maybe it's something about the moonlight, because I tried to do the same thing today and the same thing happened to me." I say and his eyebrows furrow obviously trying to think of a more realistic solution to the problem.

"That doesn't make any sense, maybe we just missed it or something." He says and pushes a loose strand of hair up and tucks it under his bandana.

"I know, let's go get everyone and see what they think, and show them the trail." I suggest and he nods, then we start down the steep hill and cross the bridge and run towards the boys cabin.

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