Chapter 10

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Without realizing anything I've found myself in the water. The water is kinda warm but cold enough to cause goosebumps over my body. The water is deep so I quickly start swimming toward the island, ignoring all of the yells from Niall, Amanda , and Louis. And mostly ignoring my imagination as I fear something will grab my leg as I swim to the massive island.

"What are you doing?!" I hear Amanda yell at me.

"Come back! Please!" I hear Niall yell after.

All but the one I truly wanted to hear yelled out to me. I just ignored them and as in the words of dory, just kept swimming.

I get to where the bridge should be but there is no sight of it so I climb the bank and lift myself onto the island. And begin to run. It's much harder to walk on the island when there's no trail.

* Harry's POV *

The whole ride I switched my glare from Niall to Jordan.

I hate the way he keeps smiling and complimenting her, saying she's looks beautiful today, and that she has a pretty smile.

I laugh as he tries to make conversation with her but she doesn't seem to even notice, her attention obviously set on the breath taking water.

She catches me staring at her a couple of times but I quickly look away.

Louis decides to take us past an island that is next to us and I quickly notice that it's the island that apparently wants only me and Jordan to venture on.

"Can you please stop to boat I want to get a clear look please." Jordan says standing up and moving to the other end of the boat.

I turn my head to see if Niall's gonna follow her, but I quickly snap my head back around when I hear Jordan jump into the water.

What the hell? Is she crazy the water is crazy deep over here. She could drown. Wait, keep calm, don't yell after her like your her little puppy.

Before I could decide if I should yell after her or jump in with her Niall is on his feet yelling at her.

He almost looks like he's gonna jump off and swim after her but then he finally steps back away from the railing and goes and sits back down.

"She should be fine, she'll probably hike back to the cabins." Amanda says. Wow, what a great bestfriend.

Louis decides that we should go back after a while of sitting in silence and staring at the huge island to see if we can spot her but find no trace of her.

It's now sundown when we arrive back on the shore and Amanda and Tasha exchange fair wells with the lads and begin to walk up to their cabin.

"Aren't you the least bit worried about you friend?" I say a little hatefully.

"She's an adult. Besides she likes being alone so, we just let her be." Amanda says and Tasha her little puppy nods and they turn back around and head for the cabins.

"You coming lad?" Louis says after everyone is gone and he's carrying off the cooler from the boat.

"Uh, not right now I'll be up in a second." I say and he nods and continues walking up the hill to the cabins.

I stay by the shore for a while until the moon comes out and I haven't seen any sign of Jordan yet. Maybe she found a way around.

I decide to walk over to where the trail will soon be if she's still on that island I stand and wait as the moon is at it's highest when the trail becomes visible.

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