Chapter 24 - Secrets worth hiding

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Chapter 24 – Secrets worth hiding (yeah, I know, horrible chapter name, no need to rub it in)

Dan’s POV

To say I was looking forward to school would be the understatement of the century – believe it or not.

“Danny dear! Hurry up! You’re going to be late for school!” My mother yelled from downstairs.

“Yeah Danny, wouldn’t want to be late seeing Jillian.” My brother taunted.

“Shut up!”

I grabbed the lunch my mom had made and rushed out the door. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t really excited to see Jillian. We had such a great time the other night. I couldn’t wait to talk to her again, to see her beautiful smile…


I speed walked into the school and scanned the halls for Jillian. When I saw her, my heart froze and I smiled like an idiot. I waved sheepishly. What I got in return surprised me. She shot me an icy glare turned on her heels, and left.


I felt a slight pang in my chest.

Did I do something? Sh*t, what did I do?

I racked my brain for anything I could have done wrong.

Did she not like our date yesterday? Why didn’t she tell me? Maybe she was just being polite…

I tugged at the roots of my hair and slammed a locker in frustration.

What is going on?


School passed by agonizingly slow. I tried talking to Jillian but it was impossible. Her friends were shielding her from me and when I tried talking to them they snorted rolled their eyes and said that, “If I didn’t know, then I was stupid.” What the hell does that mean? Did I get drunk or something? Was I supposed to remember something important?

What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?


I was losing hope. I don’t know what I did but I must have screwed up badly. It has been three days since Jillian and I have talked and she kept shooting me daggers. My mind was constantly tormented by thoughts of all the horrible things I could have done. I hadn’t gotten any sleep because I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I felt like my insides were turning to mush and stone at the same time. Like something is breaking and the only person who can fix me is Jillian.

Jillian, I though longingly, why won’t you speak to me?


It’s Friday. Meaning, it’s been more or less a week that Jillian’s ignored me. Driven by frustration and desperation, I walked up to her in the parking lot after school determinedly.

“Jillian!” I called but she didn’t turn.

“Jillian!” I tried again, my voice cracked.

“Jillian please.” I pleaded softly.

“What do you want?” She hissed venomously, making me flinch as my heart sank.

“I-I don’t know what to do. Please talk to me.”

She remained quiet and all I wanted to do was curl myself under a rock and never come back out.

“Cottontail?” I tried, my voice faltering.

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