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Niall: He was being an ass. But he had a good reason for doing it. He decided he was going to decorate the lower half of the tree. It would have been much easier for you to do it but he had ulterior motives. You were rummaging through boxes, picking out your favorite ornaments and telling him the story behind each. He’d heard these stories a hundred times but they never failed to make him smile. That and you were just way too cute when you told them. You had music going and something wonderful in the oven and his stomach growled.  He wanted to eat, but more so he wanted to put his hands all over you. So he quickly hung random ornaments on the bottom branches and sat back, leaving you to eye the tree and him speculatively. Shrugging, you chattered on and he was content to let you as you stretched up to the high branches. He smiled, watching the way your shirt rose up exposing all that smooth skin beneath. He shifted when your ass moved almost into his face as you attempted to decorate the other half of the tree. You stretched on your tip toes, your already long legs growing by the mile. He bit his thumb wondering if it was such a good idea. You must have caught on because you stretched higher, your shirt exposing your midriff and he moved.  He latched his mouth onto that patch of skin. “Niall!” You had just hung up your favorite ornament and you clutched his shoulders.  His mouth moved, nipping and sucking until you gasped. “Tree can wait,” he said hoarsely, throwing you over his shoulder. The tree did wait. All night and half of the following day, Niall couldn’t help himself.

Liam: “Um….,” his eyes widened when he walked in the door. The living room looked like a Christmas bomb had gone off. There was tinsel everywhere. It was almost blinding to look at. You hadn’t even gotten the tree yet and there was boxes littered over the floor and on the table. There was fake snow in bags and he cringed. It was going to be impossible to keep the apartment clean if you put all that shit out.  “Babe…” He stepped around a box and watched you stick a nail in the wall, a hammer between your hands. “How bout I do that?” He asked hastily, removing the hammer from your grip. Leave it to you to mark up the walls.  You shrugged, stretching up on your toes to give him a kiss. “Hi,” you held up the wreath you wanted on the wall and he sighed. You always were a nut when it came to Christmas, but he liked that about you.  You always wanted to celebrate everything full scale, it gave you one more reason to dote on people and if it made you happy he couldn’t complain. You watched him hammer the nail into the wall and you sighed. Liam was such a handy man and to be honest- it was totally hot. If it needed fixing, he could do it. He hoisted the giant wreath onto the wall trying not to inhale all the cinnamon off of it and he stepped back, making sure it was even. In jeans, boots and a leather jacket with the hammer between his hands he looked good enough to eat. You licked your lips and moved behind him, pulling the hammer out of his hands. “Does it not look okay?” He asked, squinting at it. “Oh, it does,” he finally read you, saw the gleam in your eye and he winked. “Anything else I can fix for you?” His voice was husky, eyes black with desire. “I can think of something,” with a laugh you darted into the bedroom and he followed. He’d fix you good, alright.

Louis: Honestly, you were trying not to laugh but it was just so damn hard not to. Louis was cursing, grumbling and muttering more than you’d ever heard him. You both decided that you wanted a real tree this year- fake ones were too boring, or so he said. So you went out and cut down a monster of a tree because he had to have the biggest one on the lot.  “Stop laughing,” he growled. That only egged you on and you snickered, drinking your glass of wine. He pulled his head from the pines, a few needles clinging to his hair and his shirt as he glowered. Louis thought putting lights on the tree would be easy. You had tried to tell him that no, it wouldn’t be easy but he was too stubborn. “We’ll do it the Tommo way,” isn’t that what he had said with such confidence? “You do it then,” he chucked the rope of lights down at your feet and you shook your head. “No way. You wanted to do this, it’s all you baby.” He sighed. Louis knew a challenge when he saw one and he wouldn’t back down. “You’re mean,” he stuck his tongue out but his blue eyes were laughing. “Plus, I can admire you better from here.” That did draw a laugh from his lips and he went back under, twining lights along the branches.  Four hours later, the tree was successfully lit. Night had fallen, and in celebration he wrapped you in his arms and looked at his masterpiece a glass of wine in his hand. “Not bad, huh?” He squeezed you, his lips against your temple. No, not bad at all for your first Christmas together. You could see yourselves fifty years from now, old and grey still having the same problems but that was alright because there was no one you’d rather do this with than Louis.

Harry: He could hear the radio from outside. He blinked for a moment, eyeing the front door.  He knew that whatever he was about to walk into wasn’t good and he just had to brace himself. With courage, he pushed open the door the wall of music and the scent of chocolate nearly knocking him off his feet. “Babe!” He hollered over the music. It didn’t work. A missile could drop in here and you wouldn’t even notice. He walked into the kitchen where you were mixing up a batch of chocolate chip cookies- his favorite. You were dancing to the music, singing at the top of your lungs and he smiled. He dropped down into a chair and propped his chin in his hand, his eyes adoring you. You had no idea he was there. You kept singing kept swaying your hips and Harry was utterly charmed by you.  You were so cute and so happy and so totally his. He came behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he moved your hips with yours. He scared the crap out of you but he didn’t let you recover, instead he took the whisk out of your hand and spun you under his arm, picking up with the lyrics of ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ by Mariah Carey. You grinned, letting him twirl you around the floor, your socks making it easier to spin. He laughed as he sang with you, his eyes lit up. These were the moments Harry loved, when he could just be himself. Where there was no added pressure. Where he had his best girl all to himself and he could be whoever he wanted with you. And right now, he was pretty damn happy. “Let’s bake,” he tied on an apron as the song died down and set to work with you, side by side. Harry didn’t need more than this. He didn’t need lavish, he didn’t need expensive. He needed you and his home-but then again, what was home without you?

Zayn: Imagining Zayn on a roof was something you never thought you’d see come to fruition. But sure enough, there he was looking down at you. You shielded your eyes from the December sun and looked back at him. He had insisted (because he’s a man) that he was able to hang the outside lights this year and that he didn’t need any help. You tried to talk him into calling Liam- who was perfect for that sort of thing but he had refused. “It’s my house and I want to decorate it with you.” He had said adamantly. So, you wiped your hands and sent him on his way up to the roof with thousands of lights and a nail gun. “How’s it looking?” He hollered down. As stubborn as he was, it pleased you that he wanted to make Christmas memories with you like this. Next off the list was to get the tree and do the inside decorations, but this had to be done first. “Not too bad, babe.” He only had half the roof done but he’d taken a lunch break. You made him a sandwich with a mound of chips and he ate happily with you outside on the stone steps, talking about decorations and family parties.  He went back to work shortly after, nailing the lights onto the roof. Your house would be seen from miles away and he thought that was pretty sick.  Finally, when he finished (it only took all day) he turned the lights on. He stood in the yard with you, his arms wrapped around you from behind. Your first Christmas in your new home and Zayn thought he was off to a good start. He stood there just admiring and day dreaming but Zayn only had one solid thought. There could be no light bright enough to mimic the way you lit him up inside. And that, he thought was the most amazing thing of all.

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